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Chapter Seven: Social Media & Forums
By now, nearly everyone on the planet is aware of the existence of Facebook, Twitter and other social media outlets. However, while the average individual is using these services to share photos of what they had for dinner and who they saw at the mall last night.
Smart marketers know there’s a lot more to social media sites than that! General socialization is fine, but these sites are also invaluable tools that can increase your traffic and make you recognized as an expert in any niche almost overnight!
Social Media
There are many different types of social media sites. Sites like Facebook and MySpace are designed to allow a wide range of activities from sharing photos and videos to chatting and even interacting though various applications, or apps. Microblogging sites like Twitter allow individuals to post their thoughts in a short, controlled format.
These sites are perfect for establishing yourself as an expert within a niche, because there are huge groups of individuals who gather into groups, making it easy to find people who are interested in your field.
One of the most powerful ways social media can get your name out there is through sharing. Whenever you post interesting content, others who follow you are likely to share your content with their friends. This posts the content to the walls of everyone they are friends with on the social network, allowing your message to spread quickly, even among people who have never heard of you before.
Don’t forget another classic type of social media site - forums. They’ve been around since before the Internet, as we know it, even began. True, there was an Internet many years before the general public got to use it, but before the public got to access the Internet as a population, there were Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs). BBSs were set up to allow people to use their computers with modems and regular telephone lines to call and connect to other computers.
Some BBSs had only a single phone line, so users had to wait their turn to access it. Others had 64 lines or even more. These systems had live chat rooms, games, databases, downloads and even message boards where users could post messages and receive responses. These message boards are still in use on today’s Internet, now typically referred to as forums.
Forums in many niches have thousands or even millions of active users. By posting regularly, answering questions and interacting in other ways you can easily establish yourself as an expert in your field.
Remember to avoid forum politics. Never get into heated debates. Friendly discussion is fine, but if someone starts to argue with you in a negative way, don’t be afraid to bow out of the conversation. No one wins forum arguments. People succeed only in harming their reputations.
Chapter Eight: Blogging & Article Distribution
Blogging has become one of the easiest ways to become widely known in any field quickly. Where else can you make a name for yourself so quickly?
Blogging, on its own, is extremely powerful. But when you combine it with social media like Twitter and Facebook, it can explode your name into the stratosphere in no time!
Not only can you use your own blog to publish your content, but you can also send your articles to other blogs, websites and even print publications. By submitting your article for publication elsewhere, you can make sure your name gets in front of as many people as possible.
Remember, you’ll need to publish unique, high-quality content that demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the topic if you hope to get published in a magazine or even a well-respected blog. Don’t just rehash content you’ve posted on your own blog or elsewhere. Make each article really stand on its own. Each article could generate a lot of positive publicity for you, so make it count!
If you outsource content for other publications, be sure you check it carefully for factual and grammatical errors. Submitting articles that are poorly written or factually incorrect will only do more harm to your reputation than good. So save the $5 article writers for other projects and hire only the best.
Remember, many industry experts in any field are using these same techniques to increase their visibility within their fields. It isn’t a new thing, nor is it dishonest as long as you never say anything misleading such as "I have twenty years of experience in this field” or "I have a Master’s degree in this field”.
Almost every major industry you can think of has its share of so-called experts that know little to nothing about the field they are in. And there is nothing inherently wrong with that. As long as they are providing quality, accurate information to their customers and aren’t misleading everyone, it’s fair.
It’s all about perception. You don’t have to tell anyone you’re an expert in your field in order for people to believe it.
Using these techniques in tandem will cast a wide net that will eventually get your name in front of a very large number of people within your chosen field. In a very short span of time, your name will start being recognized all over your industry, giving you all of the profitable benefits that go along with your newfound expert status!