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Super Amazing Disappearing Buy Button!
There is one other piece to this puzzle. That is the “buy link”. I gave you the PayPal link for the trial...but you need to “hide it” until the right moment.
Luckily for you, I have something for you that will do the trick.
Since I already made you work with some PayPal scripts, I saved you the trouble of setting up a sales page.
It’s amazingly awesome page with a headline, place for the video and the reappearing buy link.
Download it here.
The parts are super easy to edit.
Just upload or embed your favorite video in the “VIDEO” spot.
Add in a cool headline in the “HEADLINE” spot.
Edit the PayPal link in the code. You can do this by “viewing the code” in .txt format. (right click, and hit “open with”)
Finally, editing the buy button hide code.
You will see a piece of script in the “Head” tag at the top of the page. (It’s the one that has
You need to replace that number with the time that you want the “Buy Link” to show up.
Say you want it to show up at 7 minutes.
You take 7 and multiply that by 60 (60 seconds in a minute). You then take that number and multiply it by 1000.
So, 7 * 60 = 420 420 * 1000 = 420000
Replace the zero’s with that number and at minute seven (that the people have been on your site) the buy link will show up!
This requires a tad bit of coordinating. Simply time it to the minutes and seconds in the video and then add a few seconds on the time. (this gives your visitors a few seconds to let it load)
Then, just slap the download on the thank you page (be sure to edit the PayPal return url to reflect the download page!)
Ah yes, the proverbial “gotta have tons of traffic to make money need google to give me lots of love otherwise I won’t make it and have to go crawling back to my day job” problem.
Fortunately, we don’t mess with that, so toss it out the window.
This is the final ingredient in the formula and lucky for you, half of it is already done.
Your YouTube presell video! That doubles as a traffic magnet.
Let me let you in on a dirty little secret...ok?
You don’t need to screw with Google.
You don’t need to mess with massive, headache causing SEO tug of war.
Because - we have something NO ONE ELSE BOTHERS WITH - A video that ACTUALLY provides value to people’s life!
Holy cow! Hot moma!
See, while everyone else is obsessing over Google, Adwords, Spamming.we have a weapon - a weapon that can go viral.
Now, this is not to say that we don’t need to work on it. But the fact is this - your video is actually USEFUL to people and that is a huge bonus.
We just need to start getting some eyes to it and it will take off pretty easily.
How do we do this?
Two things:
1. Simple backlink strategy.
2. A few “sneaky” tactics.
Let’s first talk about the most mundane. You do want to backlink your videos.
Actually, let’s take a step back for a second.
You actually want to SEO your video.
“But I thought that we weren’t messing with...”
No, we aren’t. But that doesn’t mean we are going to be stupid. People have to find our video - which means it DOES need to be titled properly and given a decent description. (plus, you do ACTUALLY have to put your link in the description, otherwise no one will visit your site)
Do some very basic keyword research and title it appropriately.
Now, with that done, we have two do some work.
The first part is done for us - we have a script we can use. Take that script and turn it into an article.
Put it through your favorite spinner and submit it to article sites with a few links back to your video.
Next, do whatever else backlinking you like. Web 2.0, articles, spam video’s, Press releases, whatever.
The point is to get some love back to the video to start getting traffic.
Don’t obsess about this though - are bigger focus isn’t the search engines, it’s the video audience.
Get it ranking high in YouTube, and SEO results will follow. This isn’t guaranteed, of course, but it helps.
So, let’s talk about the sneaky stuff.
It seems comments and views help raise rankings inside YouTube. We can get good comments and views easily, and legally.
Amazon Mturk.
Just pay 1 penny for someone to come to the video and leave a comment and watch through it.
1,000 views = 10 bucks.
Now, you don’t HAVE to do this - then your bigger focus would be on the SE’s and that is fine. YouTube video’s rank easier than most other web properties, so your battle is going to be easy.
Anyway, the other secret tactic is this - syndication.
I don’t see anyone doing this - but its super simple. You want people to share your video. This is easy traffic.
So start searching for blogs, websites, forums, etc. that will take your video.
Bet blog owners to post it. If you can afford it, pay for it.
Use Stumbleupon traffic to get it going. (Requires some money)
Use Google Adwords (YouTube Advertising)
Post it on Facebook.
Post it Myspace.
Get it on tubemogul and submit it to other video sites.
Strip the video out and post it on podcasting sites.
Post the video in the Apple itunes podcasting area.
Post it just about everywhere you can.
You can also go viral by doing video responses to popular videos. It takes some work though, finding people who allow video responses.
The key is getting it out there. If you put your focus on a FEW videos, get them ranking, get them syndicated, you’ll get super easy traffic for life. And not only that, your traffic will convert REALLY well because it is presold - so it doesn’t take much, just 20 visits a day to your site is enough to start making daily sales.