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Chapter 10: Conclusion and the Next Step
At this point you should now have a rather steady flow of income with a well-designed blog, a consistent brand and loads of unique content. You know how to share it, how to build fans and how to use some of the best tools to save yourself time.
The rest comes down to luck. So just keep plugging away and eventually you’ll get your break when your link ends up on the right website or gets recommended by the right person. The key is to not give up.
Instant Blog Profits
The Next Level – More Blogs?
But once you’ve started to gain traffic and the money starts flowing in, what can you do to scale your business and speed things up?
One option is to take on a new blog project… or maybe two! This way you can increase the amount of ads you’ve published, the amount of content, the amount of products you’re selling… and at the same time you’ll be far more resilient should anything ever happen to your main site (you know what they say about eggs and baskets…).
Choose a niche that is somewhat related to your current one and that way you can benefit from some of the momentum your brand will have obtained at this point. That way, you can promote synergy across your different channels and the success of each blog will help to further the success of each of the others.
Don’t take on more than you can chew though. If taking up a new blog is likely to mean that your current blog doesn’t get the attention it deserves, then you should reconsider.
If you’re like many people, then you’ll likely start out running a blog as a side hustle to bring in some extra income on top of your main job and just for fun. You’ll need to commit as much time to it as possible but if you do, then you’ll eventually be able to quit your job and start living entirely off the blog (though it may be tough at first). This would be a great point at which to take on a new blogging project and to branch out and grow.