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Do the same for your competitor’s, especially those who already have a good degree of online domination. This will give you ideas of where you need to link from. You can access link and backlink tracking tools to facilitate the process.
Traffic Sources and Volume
Traffic sources and the volume of traffic need to be tracked and optimized. This will tell you where your visitor’s are coming from and the number of visitors you are getting from each source.
It is important to know if they are direct visitors, referred through natural search engine results, referred from other sites or referred through paid search engine ads. This type of tracking will also reveal the keywords that are working to get visitors to your site. There is traffic tracking tools available for this.
What Are Visitors To Your Site Doing?
Visitor data should also be tested, tracked and optimized as a regular part of your marketing program. You want to know where they are located, which web browser they use, the type of operating system they use, connection speed and if they are a brand-new visitor or a repeat one.
This will help you create the best visitor experience possible for those who come to your site. The same tracking tools that provide traffic data will also help you track visitor data. One of the best free tools for this and to measure visitor behavior is Google analytics. All you need to use it is a free Google account.
Visitor Actions and Behavior
You will also need to track visitor actions and behavior information. Details like the page of the site the visitor entered on and exited from will divulge the relevant information they were looking for.
With such information, you will learn how well your landing pages and other content are working for you. You can also find out how long they stayed on your site; which will help you come up with ways to keep them longer.
Record the links that get the most click-through traffic, so you know what information attracts visitors most. The most important feature of tracking visitor behavior is to find out the number of people who took action and what they actually did. There are a variety of technologies which allow you to track such information.
By regularly testing and tracking your site by the collecting important data, you will be equipped to optimize it so you’re getting the best results possible. You will know what is working well and what needs to be changed.
Discern what the data actually means, so you can change content or make site adjustments if necessary. This will help you improve your business by getting the right people to your site (who will then convert to sales).
Press Releases: Never underestimate the power of a Press Release. A few well placed keywords throughout a well crafted press release can produce a volume of high traffic. Some use a sales/marketing/press release as a single tool to perform multiple functions. A good writer can spin the content around an entire PPC campaign.
Articles: As mentioned above, you can write an article about your product or service (or have a creative writer write one for you), then use a group of articles for press releases/marketing and promotions. Simply take the original content, add some facts or stats about your business, add keywords to link to your site, and you have it.
Social Media
There are as many good reasons for your business to participate in the Facebook community as there are people on the web. It’s a great way to connect to people searching for what you sell. It’s also an easy way for you to converse directly with your customer- base.
You have an opportunity to create a community around your product or service. It’s easier to generate leads from someone you know or who is in your circle or who knows someone you know. Additionally, you can use your Facebook posts to create and build your SEO Rankings.
Twitter: By the time Twitter came along MySpace was pretty much spammed out. Twitter quickly became the hot new thing everyone was talking about. It suddenly became cool to Tweet. Rest assured those small Tweets you perform within seconds grow big nest eggs. It’s one of the fastest ways to grow your brand presence.
You-Tube Send people to YouTube to watch your videos. Use Facebook as your gateway to connect with people, and then send them to YouTube. Because of the importance of Facebook, it’s particularly essential to incorporate content from all social media like YouTube to extend your reach across the web.
SlideShare If you’re not familiar with SlideShare, it’s quickly becoming a busy slide hosting service. You can upload files privately or publicly using PowerPoint, PDF, etc.
Pinterest If you’re unfamiliar with Pinterest, then get to the website and create an account. Why is this important to you? Because it is now the most effective means of driving traffic (and sales) to your website and it’s a more powerful tool for social networking than Facebook and Twitter.
Linked In Linked in is the world’s largest professional network with nearly 200 million members at time of writing this and rapidly growing. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals.
Linked in gives you the ability to create a professional profile that helps establish your credibility in the marketplace. It also enables you to find experts and ideas to help resolve business challenges with a specialized search feature that lets you explore their network of professionals by name, title, company and location.