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Generate Traffic Using Instagram
Instagram is the golden child of social media. It's not spoken about as often, in a digital marketing sense, as the bigger, more established platforms, but this is just part of the reason why you should be marketing on Instagram.
It should come as no surprise to you when I say that Facebook and Twitter are both saturated with advertisements, and users have learned to tune out to the constant noise businesses are making on these platforms.
On the other hand, Instagram is a relatively new social platform. Only 36% of marketers have actually committed to the platform, resulting in an overall higher brand interaction.
Generally, people have significant doubt that Instagram and other photo sharing social media platforms can be used in a business setting. Whether to increase brand awareness or increase conversions. However, you should consider these facts: Instagram has a per follower engagement rate of 4.21%, which is 58 times higher than Facebook, furthermore users share close to 40 million photos every day. Every second, these photos garner an overall average of 8500 likes, and 1000 comments.
That in itself is proof of massive audience engagement.
Perhaps even more impressive is that if someone follows you on Instagram 100% of your content will make it onto their feed.
Social media marketing is often considered the alternative to SEO. The reason being that in SEO situations it can be difficult to escape the shadows cast by market leaders.
By this, I mean that your links are buried by the flood of content that these leaders are consistently pumping out. Meanwhile, Instagram is the opposite end of the spectrum, and once you get that follower, they will see all of your content. It doesn’t matter if they also happen to be following Nike, Coca Cola, and NASA as well.
The Instagram Demographic
Instagram is the ideal platform if you're targeting users in the 18 to 34 year-old zone, but don't let this fool you at all.
Expanding on that, 68% of its users are female, and more users are reported to live in cities rather than rural areas. Have you ever wondered why Instagram is so popular in the fashion industry? Well, if you're selling younger woman’s clothing, you should already be on the platform.
There are millions of users and it's more than possible to market to other demographics on the platform. Always keep in mind who's using the platform when marketing on Instagram, and you can properly target your audience.
The Secrets To A Successful Post
Now that you understand a bit how you can use Facebook to market your brand or really anything, it's time to look at some of the most common Facebook posting mistakes that marketers make.
One of the fundamentals of digital marketing is that you give away free content, so that in turn, your audience will see your online presence as valuable. On Instagram, you have to view your posts as your content. That's what you have to work with. This post perfectly targets Instagram’s demographic. Look at how it's been structured and try to decipher why it works. What I'm attempting to draw your attention to is that nothing is actually being sold.
This post is a photo of a well-dressed model. Maybe the audience comes along and likes what she's wearing, and they think it's something they would like to wear. The audience then considers this quality content, so they comment, like, or follow. If you read the text, the audience is being asked to click a link and go to a blog. A lot of them are even tagging their friends, which creates a viral reach effect for traffic.
A great post, but like I said before it isn’t selling a thing. Social media marking is all about being social, and it's important that you measure the success of a post by the overall audience engagement.
If you make content people are talking about, it will end up being shared around and as a result, draw in a larger audience. From there, you can then direct them down your marketing funnel, get them on your list, or do anything else you'd like.
How is this engagement measured?
Starting off, we need to set objectives, or goals. Actions that we would like to see people taking after seeing our content.
In a marketing context, we tend to call these action conversions. A conversion is any action that a lead or visitor takes that you deem beneficial to your business.
For example, your conversions on Instagram are, for the most part, the engagement supported by the platform.
Here some examples of conversions on Instagram:
Receiving a ‘like’
A new follower
A user following a link to your landing page
A user playing a video
It's essential that you place focus on doing the social stuff first, and understand that the sales and monetary pay off will come later.
How To Get People To Do What We Want
How would you normally get someone to do something for you?
Think about that for a second. Generally speaking, you would ask them.
Remember, we are marketing to people, not robots. If you scroll back up and look at American Eagle’s post they are asking people to click on a blog post. Think of it like this: your content is you doing something for them. People love to reciprocate, so if you then ask them to do something, they are more likely to do such.
Asking your audience to do something is commonly known as a ‘call to action’, and you should have a call to action for all of your marketing efforts, when applicable. Your call to action should be easy for the audience to act on. I will touch on this in greater detail shortly, but for now, you need to remember that the vast majority of Instagram users are on their phones.
You need to keep things really simple. If you ask people to go to your blog their need to be a link, and when they arrive, your blog needs to be easy to navigate.
This means it should be mobile friendly to increase conversions.
How To Get Your Instagram Generating Traffic
How would you normally get someone to do something for you? Social media marketing is truly a content game. At the end of the day, if you're taking bad photos with no context, then no one is going to pay any attention to your efforts.
What I would recommend is that you take a long hard look at the biggest players on Instagram and see what they are doing. Look at popular posts as well from accounts that you happen to follow.