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Chapter 1: Introducing Instagram
Instagram is often described as being ‘Twitter’ with images and this is largely a fair description of what the social media platform does and how it works. But to say that that is all Instagram is would be a big disservice. Instagram is actually an incredibly powerful tool, a highly nuanced platform and something that deserves a big place in every single internet marketing campaign.
And now, Instagram has added to its roster of capabilities even further with its awesome ‘stories’ function. Instagram has gone from being an indispensable and highly underused tool for engaging with an audience and establishing authority, to being something even more powerful – an opportunity to bring your fans along with you and to let them feel like they’re really a part of your brand.
In this book, we’ll be taking an in-depth look at Instagram and at how you can use it, along with all of its most modern features, in order to build massive trust and influence and have a huge impact on your audience. At the same time, we’ll be taking a more in-depth look specifically at Instagram Riches. You’ll see why this is an incredibly important addition from a marketing perspective and how you can start using it right away to make the biggest impact possible.
Why Instagram Matters
Instagram will often be relegated to ‘afterthought’ in a number of internet marketing campaigns. If you have an ebook or a blog to promote, then there’s a good chance that you will have thought long and hard about how you’re going to handle your SEO and how you’re going to dominate Facebook; but won’t have given much consideration at all to how you’re going to kill it on Instagram.
This of course is a big mistake, as you will learn in this chapter.
In fact, you only need to take a look at how other brands are treating Instagram in order to see why it’s such a big deal…
And what you will find when you do look into this, is that an awful lot of money is spent on Instagram. There are countless brands that are spending large amounts of cash investing in influencers, or becoming influencers themselves. Many particularly savvy individuals have even managed to make a full-time living on Instagram by getting high paying sponsors to support their channel.
Brands are willing to support channels in this way because they know what a massive impact Instagram can have on an audience. Instagram is not only impressive in terms of the numbers but also the engagement and the way it is able to ‘sell a dream’. Like they say: a picture tells a thousand words. Add some impressive filters and your word count goes up big time!
Instagram in Numbers
And while you might not think of Instagram right away as one of the ‘main’ social media channels… well, you should really think again! Instagram actually has an incredible 500 million users, which is 1 million more than last year! That makes it the second largest social media platform just behind Facebook – it is actually bigger than Twitter!
What’s more, is that Instagram is growing faster than the majority of other platforms. It does appear to be somewhat slowing down in the growth department but it is still a juggernaut with incredible momentum when compared with other platforms.
Instagram also has more monthly advertisers than Twitter and engagement is also particularly high. Instagram has over 500 million active monthly users and those users have shared over 40 billion photos in total. That’s 95 million photos and videos each day!
Instagram also has some other very appealing statistics behind it. For instance, it is one of the very best platforms for reaching women. In fact, 31% of all American women use Instagram (compared with 24% of all American men). This is a great opportunity for brands that are marketing their goods to women then and it also has a particularly international audience – with 80% of users being outside the US.
A survey conducted by Iconosquare in 2015 revealed that 70% of users have at some point sought out a brand to follow on Instagram. 62% have followed brands they love and 41% are open to marketing messages and discounts. 65% of users also reported that they found it flattering when a brand liked their post.
All this engagement sounds great on paper but it’s even better when you compare it with other platforms. Instagram – according to research firm L2 – actually has 18 times more engagement than Facebook or Twitter.