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Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Instagram Marketing 3.0” Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Instagram for your business.
I’m very excited to have you here, and I know that this will be very helpful for you.
This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Instagram Marketing, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.
This training is comprised of 20 chapters organized into 4 sections. This is exactly what you are going to learn:
Section 1: Instagram Marketing Basics
In Chapters 1 through 4, we’ll talk about:
What is Instagram all about?
What can Instagram do for your Business?
Shocking Instagram Marketing Facts to Consider
Instagram Walkthrough
Section 2: Marketing on Instagram – Step by Step
In Chapters 5 through 10, we’ll talk about:
Set up Instagram for business
Your Instagram business settings
Posting and Sharing
Instagram Stories
Instagram Advertising
Types of Instagram Ads
Section 3: Advanced Instagram Marketing Strategies
In Chapters 11 through 16, we’ll talk about:
Instagram Insights
Instagram Microblogging for maximum reach
Shooting great marketing videos on Instagram
Snapping great marketing pictures on Instagram
Advanced Instagram marketing tips from the experts
Using Instagram DIRECT for killer engagement
Section 4: Additional Tips to consider
In Chapters 17 through 20, we’ll talk about:
Do's and Don'ts
Premium tools and Services to consider
Shocking Case Studies
Frequently Asked Questions
Well, it’s time for you to start getting the most out of Instagram Marketing. I know you'll love this training.
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Section 1
Instagram Marketing Basics Instagram Marketing Basics Instagram Marketing Basics Instagram Marketing Basics Instagram Marketing Basics Instagram Marketing Basics
Chapter 1: What is Instagram all about?
What Is Instagram?
We hope you enjoy and get the most out of this training section.
Instagram is a photo sharing social network. In practical terms, it is a visual discovery platform focused on user generated content and with predominantly social media oriented features. Contrary to other social networks, though, Instagram has been designed from the ground up for mobile devices.
Its humble beginnings can be traced back to 2010, when it was launched as a free photo sharing app for iOS devices, followed by Android versions as well as a feature-limited desktop interface two years later.
Much like any other social network, Instagram allows its users to create a profile from where they can upload and share visual media such as photos and short-form videos to other users’ feeds. As you can see, the idea behind Instagram is simple, yet elegant; So much so that Facebook acquired it in 2012 for $1 Billion!
What Can You Find On Instagram?
Instagram is mostly famous because it allows its users to share awesome visual content, and because of that you will be able to find basically any type of content on the platform, which presents great potential for content discovery.
The first thing that you will find on Instagram are your friends, then you will discover that you will be able to find all of your favorite things on Instagram: Your favorite brands, your favorite musicians, your favorite actors, your favorite fictional characters, even your favorite food!
That is why Instagram is so popular among active social media users, and that is also the reason why it is so easily monetizable, because it is created towards fostering massive engagement. Brands of all sizes and industries have been able to use Instagram’s model to their advantage, and a new breed of marketers called “Influencers” have been able to make six figure livings thanks to Instagram!