Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Instagram Marketing 2018” Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of getting the most out of Instagram in 2018, on behalf of your business.
I’m very excited to have you here, and I know that this will be very helpful for you.
This exclusive training will show you step-by-step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Instagram Marketing, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.
This training is comprised of 20 chapters, ready to show you the latest Instagram Marketing strategies for 2018.
This is exactly what you are going to learn:
- Chapter 1: What Is Instagram Marketing All About?
- Chapter 2: Setting Up A Branded Instagram Account
- Chapter 3: Researching Profit-Generating Hashtags on Instagram
- Chapter 4: How To Create Posts That Get Lots of Views, Likes, Comments, and Shares
- Chapter 5: Boosting Your Best Performing Posts With A Business Account
- Chapter 6: Sending People To Your Sales Pages With Instagram Stories
- Chapter 7: Increasing Brand Awareness With Video Posts
- Chapter 8: Promoting Affiliate Offers With Instagram Live
- Chapter 9: Promoting A New Product Line With Carousel Posts
- Chapter 10: Hosting An Instagram Contest To Boost Engagement
- Chapter 11: Converting Instagram Followers Into Email Subscribers
- Chapter 12: How To Increase Online Sales With Instagram Shopping
- Chapter 13: How To Increase Profits With A Micro-Influencer Campaign
- Chapter 14: Instagram Marketing Tricks To Try In 2018
- Chapter 15: Instagram Marketing Best Practices For Businesses
- Chapter 16: How To Monetize Instagram In 2018
- Chapter 17: Do's And Don’ts
- Chapter 18: Premium Tools And Services To Consider
- Chapter 19: Shocking Case Studies
- Chapter 20: Frequently Asked Questions
Well, it’s time for you to start getting the most out of Instagram in 2018, on behalf of your Business.
I know you'll love this training.
Chapter 1: What Is Intagram Marketing All About?
Hey there everyone! Welcome to our “Instagram Marketing 2018” online training course, the only course you’ll need to totally dominate your Instagram game this year and beyond!
If you’ve been thinking about making it big on social media but are finding it difficult to get started, then this is for you! This course has been designed to teach you the easiest ways to actually start your own Instagram marketing business and to live the internet lifestyle that all successful people are talking about!
So What Is Instagram Marketing All About?
It’s been 8 years now since Instagram launched in 2010. Back then it was a simple yet very engaging app that allowed people to share stylized pictures in squared format, then it quickly grew and changed the marketing landscape.
That’s because companies soon realized that a platform such as Instagram would easily allow them to humanize their brands, their message, and more,
as they also realized that Instagram would allow them to inspire their audience in a way that was unheard of.
Because Instagram is all about visual discovery, businesses of all sizes have been able to use it to introduce and showcase their latest products in a very authentic way.
That is why businesses, brands, celebrities, and marketing agencies prefer Instagram as their top marketing channel today, because it allows them to build brand awareness without having to use the same old tricks. It makes them look fresh and original!
For your business, it means that you can easily advertise your products in a way that looks friendly and non-invasive.
It means that you can just simply upload entertaining pictures or videos of you telling the story of your brand and products to grow your business.
As you can see, Instagram is not for personal use only anymore, and online marketing has never been so compelling and straightforward!
And Why Is It Important In 2018?
There are currently over 700 million active monthly users on Instagram, 28% of which are US adults with purchasing power. Over 75% of them are overseas users that can help you expand your business to other regions. Surely you can see the potential for doing business there!
Now, we know that’s a lot of users, but how engaged are they- Well, very engaged indeed! 51% of them visit the platform daily, and 35% of them check it multiple times during the day. But that’s not all.
Another important benefit of Instagram marketing in 2018 is that Instagram audiences are much more engaged than audiences on other social media platforms. They produce more engagement rates for brands and businesses than users on Twitter or Facebook do!
70% of Instagram users in those audiences are spending time on the platform looking for brands and products. That means that building a visual presence on Instagram is vital for your online business.
And here’s the kicker: 72% of those Instagram users are qualified online shoppers! According to recent surveys, these users are making purchasing decisions on the spot, right after seeing a product being purely showcased, not advertised, on Instagram!
So, are you ready to learn all you’ll need to learn to become the next Instagram success story and to start building the online marketing life you’ve been dreaming of- Yes- Then let’s get started!
Chapter 2: Setting Up A Branded Instagram Account
Hey there everyone! It is about time that we get started with our training, and we’re going to start by showing you how to create and customize an Instagram account for your brand the right way. So grab your favorite mobile device and follow the next steps!
Signing Up
Start by downloading, installing, and opening the Instagram app on the tablet or phone that you’ll use to manage your branded Instagram account and then tap on “sign up”. Next up you’ll have to select whether to sign up with your phone number or your email address. In our case, we are going to sign up using an email address, so we’ll simply tap on the “email” option. Then we’re going to enter our email address in the “email” field, and then we’ll tap on “next”.
Next up you have to enter your full name and your new password. Here you have to enter the name of your brand or business in the “full name” field and then your password in the “password” field. You can then tap on “next” to continue signing up.
Your “full name” will be taken as your username, and you can tap on the “change username” option on the following screen to change your username before you start using Instagram. In our case, we’ll simply tap on “next” to continue.