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A Fantastic Method of Engaging on Insta-gram
Of all the methods that will help your business, this one will rise above. It is something people have been doing for many years (even before the in-ternet) and it continues to work due to the excitement factor. This method is to hold a contest on Instagram.
The best kind of prize to give out is your product. This is because people will associate the contest with your product and will make that connec-tion whenever you hold these contests. It can also get people who would not normally be buyers of your product to give it a shot.
Contests are a great way for brands to go viral. People share them like crazy. How cool would you be if you let ten friends in on a contest for a great prize? This is how people think when they share. They want to be the one who initially shared. They become the trendsetter among the group of friends.
What kind of contest should you run? That depends on what your objec-tives are, but one great contest to hold is to ask customers to upload pho-tos to Instagram of them using your product. This alone can get people in-terested in buying. However, if the prize is the product itself, you may want to choose something different. A popular alternative is to use acces-sories for the product.
If you don’t have a decent prize to give away, reach out to other vendors who may have something good to offer. They give you the product in ex-change for good PR for their product. You can mention their company as being the sponsor or you can let their product speak for itself. It all de-pends on the agreement you have. It’s probably best to choose vendors with similar products to yours or at least products that compliment your products.
Make sure that you follow all local laws regarding contests. The laws have become stringent and not following them could lead to serious fines. For instance, you may have to allow entry into the contest for free and spec-ify no purchase necessary. Of course, this may negate the strategy of get-ting them to buy your product to participate in the contest.
Use your imagination. You will find a way to incorporate contests. When you do, you should be able to increase sales of your product or get people on your mailing list. If nothing else, you will be able to increase your fol-lowing on Instagram.
A Thousand Pictures Are Worth How Many Words?
Instagram is all about pictures, images, or graphics, whatever you want to call them. You need great pictures to share to the platform. Mediocre pictures may still get shared. But, it’s an uphill battle.
It’s up to you whether you want to employ a professional photographer or do it yourself. Granted, a pro is going to be expensive. You don’t want to skimp on the quality or the experience. Too many people think they are getting a deal by using inexperienced photographers, but you get what you pay for.
It’s your business and Instagram for business is only going to get more competitive. Most of your competition won’t be using pro photographers, so you can consider that a competitive edge should you go that route.
If you do want to do everything yourself, make sure you set it up in a strategic manner. In other words, don’t post images whenever the muse strikes. Have a plan of many images and fit them in a way that makes sense to your brand. If you are planning a new product or service release, get the images ready to be released before that release date.
The graphics don’t have to be the highest quality available. In fact, most people are going to view on their smart devices and many won’t have high-end equipment. The web supports only a certain level of quality any-way. So, spending too much time on the highest possible quality pictures is probably a waste of time.
However, don’t skimp on quality. If your pictures are pixelated or they don’t present well on an average smart device, people won’t take you se-riously. Once you lose these people, it’s difficult getting them back. One person gone means dozens of people they won’t share your content with.
Those dozens will each have their own dozens, etc. This is not a good sit-uation for businesses to find themselves in.
Consider finding an average quality device to test out the images you plan on posting. You should be able to pick up a cheap device on eBay or Craigslist.org. There are simulators that you can find online as well that can be sufficient for this purpose. You may believe that everyone has the highest-quality phones but that simply is not the case. For this reason, you want to appeal to the lowest common denominator of quality.
Whichever means you decide to create your photos, they need to be com-pelling enough to be shared and then shared again. Otherwise, you are going to put in serious effort and it won't produce the benefits you had hoped.