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Welcome to the latest and very easy to apply “Instagram Ads” Training, designed to take you by the hand and walk you through the process of making the most out of Instagram Advertising.
I’m very excited to have you here, and I know this will be very helpful for you. This exclusive training will show you step?by?step, topic by topic, and tool by tool, what you need to know to dominate Instagram Ads, in the easiest way possible, using the most effective tools and in the shortest time ever.
This training is comprised of 15 chapters organized into 4 sections. This is exactly what you are going to learn:
Section 1: Instagram Ads Basics
In Chapters 1 through 3, we’ll talk about: What is Instagram and why use it for your business?, What are Instagram Ads All about?, and What Ad Solutions is actually Instagram Offering?
Section 2: Setting things up
In Chapters 4 through 7, we’ll talk about: What you should do right before creating Instagram Ads, Setting up Facebook and Instagram for Advertising, Image Tips for Instagram Ads, and Video Tips for Instagram Ads
Section 3: Creating Ad Campaigns – Step by Step
In Chapters 8 through 12, we’ll talk about: Boosting your posts, Increasing brand awareness, Increasing your reach, Sending people to a destination on or off Facebook, and Getting installs of your app
Section 4: Additional Tips to consider
In Chapters 13 through 15, we will talk about: Premium tools and Services to consider, Shocking Case Studies and Frequently Asked Questions Well, it’s time for you to dominate Instagram Ads on behalf of your Business. I know you'll love this training.
Instagram Ads Basics
Chapter 1: What’s Instagram and Why Use It for Your Business?
Most of the successful businesses today are leveraging the advantages of social media as a marketing strategy due to the increasing popularity of visual content. Social media marketing has become an important asset that helps brands create their presence in the online market.
With the different social media platforms today, it is now easier to communicate visually with customers, followers, and fans.
One of the most popular and widely used social media platforms today is Instagram.
What is Instagram?
Instagram is a social networking application that is designed for sharing videos and photos using smartphones and other devices. As with Twitter and Facebook, Instagram users also have their own account, with their profile and newsfeed.
The app was created by Mike Krieger and Kevin Systrom, and was released on October 10, 2010. It instantly became popular and gained more than 100 million users in April 2012, and more than 300 million in December 2014.
Photos and videos posted by users on Instagram are automatically displayed in their profiles. Instagram users can follow each other and see each other’s posts on their newsfeed. Instagram is actually Facebook’s simplified version, the only difference is that its emphasis is on video and photo sharing only.
It’s a social media app, and therefore it is very simple to interact with other Instagram users by just following them, liking, tagging, and commenting on their videos and photos, as well as private messaging them.
Instagram Benefits for Businesses
Using Instagram as a social media platform for your business gives you a lot of perks and opportunities for generating more profit. Here's a closer look at the major benefits of using Instagram for your business.
Increase Customer Engagement
Most of the time, brand posts and updates on Twitter and Facebook are overlooked by users. This is not true for the users of Instagram, because if your Instagram account is active and posts relevant and interesting content, you will gain higher engagement from followers (customers and potential customers). The latest study of Instagram has found that its content is 58 times more engaging compared to Facebook, and generates 120 times more engagement than Twitter.
Build Identity and Trust
As your brand becomes more popular on Instagram due to engaging content, it eventually helps your business gain the trust of your target audience. With the nature of online marketing, Instagram can significantly help you build an emotional connectional with your customers.
Using Instagram allows you to keep your customers updated with your business’ daily experiences in a casual way—giving your business a personal appeal. Photos are also helpful to make your business look more trustworthy and attractive.
Increase Traffic
Although there are no options for you to include links to your Instagram updates, it is still very powerful for increase traffic.
If you have a high percentage of engagement and traffic on Twitter and Facebook, you also maintain a strong profile on Instagram to increase your business’ visibility.
Gain a Competitive Advantage
There is far lesser competition for your business on Instagram compared to Twitter or Facebook. Surveys show that only 2% of small?scale businesses are currently leveraging the benefits of Instagram.
This means that if you start using Instagram actively today, you can gain a relative advantage over your competitors. Businesses that use Instagram as a marketing strategy are more likely to reach their audience easier than on Twitter or Facebook where competition is higher.
Reach Your Target Market Faster
If your target audience is people who are born in the 1980s through the 1990s (Millenials), you'll find that 37% of the people in this age bracket are on Instagram.
If you want to reach out and connect with a crowd that is under the age of 30, you definitely need to have an Instagram account for your business.
Free Advertising
Yes, you read it right. Advertising is absolutely FREE on Instagram. You should not miss this great opportunity to promote your products or services. Actively updating your Instagram profile with your product or service line generates massive exposure for your business. It allows you to show your audience more of the things you offer.
With these significant benefits, you probably know by now that it is a powerful tool for you to create relevant visual content for your audience. With the fact that almost all people are now using smartphones and other devices, it is impossible for your business not to gain more presence online.
Instagram Shocking Facts
Do you know how popular Instagram is today? Ever since its release in 2010, it has drastically gained its own spotlight in the digital world. People prefer using it, because it is more direct, with real?time video and a photo sharing platform. Below are shocking facts about Instagram that you might want to know.