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Chapter 3 - Getting Started Begin at the Beginning
Now that you have a basic outline of the work and tools necessary for the development of a workable membership website, it is time to really dig in and get started. This chapter is going to discuss some choices that you will face and some of the smartest options to follow. We will look at assembling your website; recognizing value; working with words; testimonials; and the day to day details and glitches.
Your website is going to begin to feel like a great big puzzle, and you must assemble many of the major pieces before it begins to really look like something. This means that you must be sure you have these necessary pieces before you begin the process of building the site, and this will always include knowledge as well as equipment and resources.
The knowledge you should really try hard to acquire as quickly and efficiently as possible will include marketing basics, and website infrastructure. For instance, you know that you should compose some sales letters, website content and choose adwords, but how do you start this process? You also know you need a gateway through which members will visit the site, make their purchases or establish their recurring payments (if you decide to sell the memberships through the site rather than through an affiliate). This means you will need to understand where these things can be located.
So, let’s look at the "physical” site first.
Send Me a Programmer!
Most Internet entrepreneurs quickly realize that they are going to need some guidance and support from a qualified programmer who can help them to setup the many processes that must occur through their site. While there are an enormous number of web hosting companies offering all kinds of ecommerce sites, they may not provide the kind of integrated services demanded of a membership website (i.e. the membership database, login software, library of numerous media types, and more).
What most membership website owners fail to realize is that they should work in a backwards direction - they should work with a programmer to design the system, rather than purchasing various programs and sites and then demanding that the programmer make them all work cohesively.
Additionally, a good programmer will probably have all kinds of connections and resources for additional areas of the website as well. For instance, you will need to record telephone and “live” conversations to be converted into downloadable files. You will need to understand how to work with video recordings, PDF files and more as well. Finding a good and reliable set of professionals to walk you through this setup process is going to save you an enormous amount of time and money.
This means you should sit down and really scrutinize your plans in order to identify all of the equipment, software and gadgets you will need. Then meet with your programmer to work out all of the technical details of the site and establish the best approaches to use for your various media requirements.
Unfortunately, many successful membership website owners admit that they spent large sums of their capital on costly services and equipment that they did not need to purchase or use. They learned through painful experience that there were far less expensive options and even some that were more efficient than those they identified on their own.
This leads to the next phase in the getting started process - recognizing value.
Recognizing Value
As a membership website owner, you will soon realize that you can find a purpose or value to almost every interaction, discussion or tool you see. Recognizing value that will benefit your site is an important skill. It helps to categorize such information however, if it will eventually
help you achieve your goals. Earlier in this book we recommended that all membership website owners make a comprehensive list of the steps they made while researching and building their site. This was something that would help to keep the resources available to the members fresh and unique. This is where you should also keep your lists and notes about valuable connections, discussions and ideas too.
For example, even if an interview has gone badly, there are going to be quotes and paragraphs that can be used elsewhere. Consider that you will probably interview subjects for twenty minutes or more, and if there is little information given or if the subject of the interview was a bit dull, you can still insert some of their statements into newsletters, web content, articles or more. Value is everywhere, but you have to be open minded and creative in order to use it to its fullest degree.
This concept of “recognizing value” also applies to the materials you offer. If you really, sincerely want to succeed, then you are going to have to scrutinize everything posted for members to view. Regardless of your subject matter - psychics, horses, shoes or marketing - your membership website should always be viewed as a true informational resource or a “one stop” destination for learning, interaction and more.
This means you should always keep a watchful eye for those items and materials that will be of value to your site and your members. Once again, let us turn to the fictional psychic website as an example. As the owner, you would want to always keep an open mind about the sort of “stuff” that would interest your membership. This might mean that you would consider posting “how to” articles about photographing ghosts or spirits just as much as you would consider providing your customers with an eBook you found about reading ancient runes.
Working with Words
Until you are really comfortable with the process of writing your ads, emails, website content and eBooks, you should consider hiring a “pro”. There are all kinds of online agencies offering very high-quality writing services specifically geared to Internet businesses.
For instance, a website owner could hire a writer or copywriting service to craft “private label” articles, different eBooks, all of their sales letters and landing pages and even their newsletters if necessary. The most important thing to remember about such a choice, however, is that you are receiving the work of a writer, but not necessarily a specialist. If you want to truly create exclusive materials and offerings you will still have to do the research to understand your subject and constantly expand the amount of information you are making available through your site.