Ebook Sample Content Preview:
62. The "Feel What I Feel" Tactic
Tell your prospects how excited you are about your information product. People will become interested in your information product because you are so excited about it. They will want the feeling of excitement too.
63. The "Bargain" Tactic
Tell your prospects the actual retail value of your information product. People like to get good deals and bargains. They will feel as though they are getting something valuable for a lower price.
64. The "Privacy Policy" Tactic
Tell your prospects when they buy or use your information product, their personal information will be kept confidential. People like to keep what they use or buy to themselves. Tell them your privacy policy and their information will never been sold, rented or leased to anyone.
65. The "Apply For It" Tactic
Tell your prospects that they have to apply to use your information product to make it seem more valuable. People will feel as though you’re not out to get their money because you’re making them qualify to use your information. They think the information will be more valuable.
66. The "Been Around Forever" Tactic
Tell your prospects how long you've been in business or online. People trust businesses more if they have been in business for a long period of time. They will think you must have good information if you've been in business that long.
67. The "Mood Enhancer" Tactic
Tell (give) your prospects a compliment that will persuade them to use your information product. People like to be complimented because it makes them feel good, it makes them feel noticed and also makes them feel important. They will be in a better mood for when you present your offer.
68. The "Talk To Yourself" Tactic
Tell your prospects to tell themselves they want to use your information product. People will be easier persuaded by themselves than by your business. They will talk themselves into taking your offer. For example: 'Yes! I want to improve my life.'