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Using this business model the only tasks you’ll be doing is coming up with the product idea and maybe creating the rough outline that the mind map will be based on. Everything else will be done for you.
As long as your profit margins are acceptable you’re free to do as you please. The key here of course is keeping those profit margins within your acceptable limits while paying people to do all these tasks for you.
This makes owning this kind of business somewhat of a balancing act when you first get started. You may not have enough revenue to hire any VA’s or freelancers to do the various tasks for you in the beginning but along as you keep reinvesting your income back into your business you’ll be able to steadily add more and more people to your team.
The #1 rule of outsourcing is that every person you hire must justify their spot on your team. For example, if you are paying someone $1000 a month for video creation those videos they make had better bring in over $1000k per month. Outsourcing should always be an investment, not an expense.
The good news is that for most tasks finding cheap help is pretty easy. You can hire VA’s from countries such as India and the Philippines that will work for as little as $4 an hour in some cases. These VA’s are perfect for simple tasks such as research, data mining and keeping track of your profit margins.
For more advanced tasks such as ebook creation, video creation and copywriting you can expect to pay more. Due to this you will probably end up doing these tasks yourself until you’re making enough money to hire people to do it for you. Just make sure that when you do hire people to perform these tasks that they’re worth what you’re paying them.
One of the keys to successful outsourcing is being able to effectively communicate to your hired help what they need to do. For this reason you should do everything yourself for your first info product launch whether you can afford help or not.
The reason for this is that when you do the essential tasks of product creation, marketing and selling you will get an idea first-hand what works for you and what doesn’t. Everyone is going to have their on style and unique way of implementing the information in this guide and you need to discover yours early on.
When you’re discovering your way of doing things keep a log of every single task you did successfully and write down detailed instructions on how you did it. This log will serve as sort of an instruction manual for your hired help later.
You can also use video programs such as Jing to record video of all the tasks you do and how you do them. These can serve as tutorial videos for your hired help and ensure that they don’t deviate from your game plan.