Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Top 30 ways to package a profitable product
Remember, stop thinking of a “product”… think in terms of “content”. Think about the outline you built and the content you’ve collected. That content IS your product(s). The way you package and present it is just window dressing.
1. E-Books
Content converted to a PDF file. You’ll see a free way to convert content to a PDF later in this action guide.
2. Books
Content converted to a PDF file and then sent to a printer.
If you want to self-publish your book, you’ll see a great Print-On-Demand (POD) website later in this action guide. You can print just one book or 25,000. It’s a great way to get started with a physical book.
3. Newsletters
Content ‘sections’ (articles) that are either used in an offline newsletter or an online ezine. A book of content could give you enough content for a year’s worth of newsletters.
4. Blogs
Content ‘snippets’ used in an online blogging program. Snippets would be like taking the title and first paragraph or two from an article.
The debate is still out on this but there are some who say you should use the entire article of content for a blog and others who say you should just use a quick snippet of info to capture the reader’s attention.
5. Audio Books
Record yourself (or someone else) reading your book content. Yes, just read it and record it. Voila – you’ve got an audio book.
Later in this action guide I’ll show you how to do this with a free software product.
6. Podcast
Record yourself talking about your subject matter.
You can read part of your book. Like reading sections or chapters of the content.
You can just talk about it. You’ve done the research. You’re now an expert. Just talk about what you know.
You can use the free software product from #5 to record your podcast.
7. Audio Program
Multiple audio CDs in one program.
Whenever you gather content for an idea you’ll always have more content than you can fit into a book or e-book. A one CD ‘audio book’ could become an full blown ‘audio program’ by breaking it into separate CDs for each chapter and adding additional content.
8. Vlogcast
This is just like a blog or a podcast except it’s recording the content as a video instead of text or audio.
Although you will have to invest in a camera (either digital video camera or webcam) the software to edit and package the video is completely free – I’ll tell you about it later.
9. Video Program
Just like the Audio Program except the content is recorded as a video. For example, you could read the book into the camera or you could be recorded teaching the material to a group. Break the content up into sections and place each section on a separate DVD.
10. Workbooks
Examine your content and create a book or report specifically designed to ‘teach’ the material. Present the information in a summarized format and have questions for each book chapter/section.
11. Multi-Media Kits
Put your book, audio book and/or DVD or you reading your book together.
12. Coaching Program
Present your content via the phone or email depending on how you’ve structured your coaching program.
13. Teleseminars
Present your content via the telephone – normally in an interview type format. However, I have listened to a few teleseminars that was just the expert speaking the entire time.
14. Teleworkshops
Present your content via telephone in a “workbook” type scenario. Make it a smaller group with an interactive layout.
15. Home Study Course
Combine books, audio programs, video programs, workbooks, etc. into one product.
Anyone who can create enough content for an e-book has enough content to convert their content into a Home Study Course and have a high-end product to promote.
16. Membership Site
Include your text, audio and video content in a secure website where your clients pay you each month for access to the material.
The great opportunity here is it is residual income that continues each month.
17. Radio Show
With the power of the internet anyone can have their own radio show. You can record the content and have it played at various times or you can do a live show. Same content as a podcast.
18. TV Show
Internet TV (IPTV) is coming very quickly. Just like internet radio – within 1-2 years anyone can build their own TV show on the internet.
19. Syndicated Column
As an expert in your field, you may be asked to submit your articles to a newspaper. Or you can post your articles on your own website and others can syndicate the content via RSS feeds.
20. Articles
Crop your book content into smaller sections – and you’ve got a ton of articles you can use online or offline.
21. Mini Books or Reports
You guessed it… if you have a book with 5 chapters, you could make it into 5 “special reports”.
22. CD/DVD Training
Use your audio CDs and/or video DVDs to create a monthly training subscription service. Think like “Video Professor”. You’ve already got the content created – get clients to pay you monthly for it.
23. Magazine
A magazine is nothing but a large Newsletter. The great thing about a magazine… you can get advertisers to pay you money each month to be listed in your magazine.
24. Software
Convert your content into an executable file.
You don’t have to be a software developer. I used HTML and Flash to package text, audio and video into an EXE. Once an EXE I called it software and it could be promoted with a higher perceived value.
25. Keynote Speaking
Summarize your content into PowerPoint slides to speak from when asked to be an expert presenter.
26. Resell Rights
Provide others the ability to resell your product(s) and keep 100% of the profits.
Pro: Higher perceived value
Con: You lose control of your product
If you want income – this is a great way to do it. If you have a product you don’t want to lose control of – do not do this.
27. Private Label Rights
Provide others the ability to modify your content, brand it with their own name and resell it as their own.
Pro: Higher perceived value
Con: It will no longer be your product after it’s rebranded
28. Licensing
Make an arrangement with a company to purchase a large quantity of your product.
For example: A company may license your content for all their employees.
29. Foreign Rights
Convert your content into other languages.
30. Consulting
A culmination of all your research and content presented as required by the person and/or company that hires you.