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It is certainly possible for you to develop influence mastery so that you can influence others to do what you want. You will learn exactly how to do it in this powerful guide. It all starts with understanding what influence really is and what it isn’t.
You need to accept that it is going to take time and effort to develop influence mastery. By using the techniques in this guide and practicing them on a regular basis you will get the results that you desire.
It is important that you understand how people are wired and how they make decisions so that you can influence them. You need to follow the rules of influence outlined in this guide and adjust your influence tactics to match those of the different decision maker types that will make up your audience.
Credibility is everything with influence. You need to develop it and maintain it. There are other actions that you need to take to maintain your power of influence. Everything that you need to know about developing influence mastery is in this powerful guide. So read every word and apply what you learn.
In order for you to be an influence master you need to know what influence really is. One of the mistakes that a lot of people make is that they think that influence and persuasion are the same thing.
This is not the case. Persuasion is an element of influence and is often used as part of the process of influencing others. But it is not the same as influence. The most important difference between influence and persuasion is that with persuasion you use a specific set of tactics to get people to do what you want.
Influence is much more than this. It is your presence in the world. When you become an influence master you will have something called “conversion” with others. This is different to the “compliance” that persuasion tactics bring.
Compliance and Conversion
You can use different persuasion tactics on people to get them to do what you want. But it is very unlikely that their belief systems will be affected by this. What you have really done is impact their thought process and nothing else.
This means that you have persuaded the person to act in a way that they might not actually believe in deep down. They have complied with you for a variety of reasons such as short term reward or conforming to social norms.
With conversion you have a lot more power. As a master influencer you can actually change the belief systems of others. When you achieve this they will buy into your message and all of your subsequent messages. Even if you have nothing to say they will still follow you.
Others will Share an Identity with you
When you are a master influencer others will start to see you as a symbol that they identify with. This is much more powerful than just sharing a message with others. By sharing your identity with others it will become an element of their identity as well.
As an influence master you have great power because you can use your influence without any direct effort. Influence master are able to obtain conversion and compliance from others just based on who they are or what they have done in the past.
The most Important Attribute of Influence
If you were to look at all of the attributes that influential people have, they would al share one thing in common – credibility. When you have credibility with others they will trust you, believe that you are smart and that you are knowledgeable. To others you seem to have the right experience and have the capability to become whoever you want to be.
A lot of famous people have high credibility and influence. Oprah Winfrey is a good example. Many people will listen to what she has to say due to her high levels of credibility. She has done a number of things in the past to build this credibility.
Have you ever wondered why companies use famous celebrities to endorse their products? It is all about their ability to influence others using their credibility. Every year, many thousands of companies send their products to Oprah hoping that she will talk about them on TV.
Even a 30 second product endorsement from Oprah can be extremely influential. Companies have made thousands of sales of their products using Oprah’s influence. She is one of the most influential people in the world.
How do People Perceive you?
The way that people perceive you determines your level of influence. You need to understand that influence is not always good. You can have a positive influence on others or a negative influence. It is likely that you have heard someone say “he (or she) is a bad influence” and this is true.
If you think about negative influencer’s from history then Adolf Hitler will probably come to mind. He was able to negatively influence a whole country to do terrible things. The power to influence is neutral. You as the influencer need to determine whether you will use this power for good or bad. We want you to use your influence for good.
Another critical aspect of influence is the reputation that you have with others. If you have a reputation for being smart, powerful or knowledgeable then many people will want to listen to you. The opposite is true – if you use your influence to make people do things that they don’t want to do then you will have a bad reputation and not many will want to listen to you.