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Chapter 5 - Gettin' Eyes On Your Site
Hopefully I don't need to convince you that simply building a site won't make you money.
What? You don't believe me?
I'll make this quick - imagine building a wonderful store with everything everybody wants at exactly the right price they are willing to spend...
...on the moon.
Would you get any customers? Well, if NASA sends out more people to the moon you might get a few window shoppers, but I doubt they will have brought along their credit cards.
In other words, if you don't drive traffic to your website, then you won't make sales.
There, I've made my point. Can I teach you how I get traffic to my websites now? Excellent! Let's get started!
My Favorite Method of All...
...will be the last method I talk about. Let's start with Google Adwords instead.
Google Adwords...
Essentially you can easily start getting traffic within 30 minutes of having your website ready to go if you use Google Adwords.
However, it doesn't work quite as easily as that. Although you will be able to get traffic easily enough, it doesn't mean you will make any sales from it.
Also, Google Adwords can be very expensive, especially if you are not careful.
That is why I am going to suggest that you not use it at first, mainly because it takes two major things:
1. Time.
2. Conversion testing.
In order to have a Google Adwords campaign work well you have to be willing to invest between $500 and $1000 and also spend about a month testing and tweaking various aspects of your Adwords campaign.
Also, it is a little harder to get Adwords traffic to convert into sales than other types of traffic, so this requires you to do some extensive conversion testing (i.e. testing different elements on your sales page to make sure you are maximizing sales).
Not all of the training is free there, but if you are going to invest a few hundred dollars into Adwords, then for a few dollars more you can do it right.
Instead of Adwords I want to focus on some free sources of traffic that you can use to great effect.
Here are my "freeish" traffic sources...
The reason I say "freeish" is because the traffic methods are free, but they are greatly facilitated if you purchase certain software to automate the process (in most cases).
Let's talk about two awesome methods that can really bring in traffic quickly that will convert into sales.
Freeish Traffic Method #1 - Article Marketing
First off, article marketing. Simply put article marketing involves taking 500-750 word articles and submitting them to the hundreds (and thousands) of article directories.
The articles are of your own authorship (or of a ghostwriter - more on this soon), and deliver good content regarding whatever your niche market is all about.
There are two major benefits to article marketing:
1. Direct traffic.
2. Incoming links to your website.
Whenever you submit an article you are allowed to also submit an Author's bio. In the bio you can talk about yourself and your websites all you want. You are NOT allowed to promote your websites in your articles.
The Author's bio is the perfect place to put an advertisement for your website or for a free giveaway. However, most author's don't use the bio very well, writing something like this (taken from an actual article):
[NAME REMOVED] has been gaming and writing about gaming for years. He currently edits game guides for [COMPANY NAME REMOVED].
You can view his work at [URL REMOVED]
Visit the site to read the blog, view the weekly free tip and keep up on all the latest products.
Now what's wrong with that bio? It doesn't have a call to action.
To illustrate what I mean by this I will show you a better bio:
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just recorded a 25 minute CD called "[NAME REMOVED]"
Request your free copy here: Click here for your free CD
This isn't the best bio I've ever seen, but it is way better than the one before, because it tells the visitor what to do.