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The biggest advantage is that this is the best way to start a business of your own. To set up a physical business, you need capital. On the Internet, you don't need much capital at all. You could set up a business for free and then keep it running through rolling what you earn. Even if you cherish a dream of having a big building sometime in the future, by working online you could earn enough money to make that happen. Yes, the online world could enrich your offline world.
We also need to consider that this is extremely simple to do. Anyone can get into Internet marketing – housewives, teenagers, retired persons, invalids, people who don't have a home of their own, people who don't have social security and even able-bodied working men and women who want to make extra income. The trend is shifting toward the Internet anyway. People have become very much apprehensive about their offline jobs due to the recession and there has suddenly been a spurt in the number of people joining the Internet fray.
You must even consider the tax deductible factor. When you use a portion of your home for your home business that becomes a part of your deductibles. The same applies to the computer that you use.
The convenience is par excellence. You don?t have to travel anywhere. You can work in your boxers; you don?t have to physically impress the people you are dealing with. Some people feel that they are freer when they are chatting online than they are when they are speaking face-to-face. Also, if you have any leadership desires, the Internet is the best place where you can do that, especially through social networking groups.
And we cannot undermine the money factor. There is no limit to what you can earn working online. Even when you start out, it is highly possible to make $500 to $1,000 a month. Six months down the line, you should earn a few thousands per month. Two years later, your income must be in tens of thousands per month. And all this happens even if you don?t keep putting consistent efforts. The concept of residual income is highly significant here if you have taken care of that from the start.