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Do Join A Community Of Like Minded Individuals.
This is a terrific way to start up an online "support system". And how do you do this? Through designated online communities such as forums. Not newsgroups. Not chat rooms. But forums. These are extremely valuable sources of information, cooperation, and understanding for others that are interested or involved in the same industry.
And, while not predominantly "interactive" forms of communication, they are very reliable in that the information isn't going anywhere. You won't lose it. All you need to do is log in to the forum and viola! Instant answers, and often times friends.
Even though the internet is still a very anonymous and vast place, forums give you the opportunity to get on a more personal level with people by asking questions and providing answers to others there.
A wonderful forum is The Internet Marketing Warriors Forum. It's been around for a long time, with respect to the very short life spans of thing online, and has more than 50,000 registered users that you can converse with on the subject.
There are others too that can benefit you just as the Warrior Forum can, you just need to seek them out and register at the forum(s) of choice. Don't be afraid to become an active member of the forum either. You would be surprised at how many people are there for much the same reasons that you are. If you have something to say, or ask, do so.