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If we planned everything in our lives, our lives would certainly be smoother and more fruitful. Often, however, we do things by the seat of our pants and then things don't always work out. Having a plan, whether it is for your financial future, your dating life, or your Internet marketing is crucial to knowing how far away you are from your ultimate goal so as to make useful adjustments along the way. Without a plan, you are at the mercy of all sorts of market forces and left to try to establish order from chaos when things get out of hand, without knowing where to start.
Luckily, Internet marketing can be approached in a methodical way to meet your goals, whether they are to increase traffic or income from your online ventures. Typically, these are the two major goals of Internet marketers as they each tie into each other. The more traffic you receive, the more likely your bottom line increases, and the more money you can generate from your sites the more you have to increase your business and attract more traffic.
Although this report will go over multiple ways to increase your traffic, there is one major plan which is to increase the number of visitors or eyeballs to your site. Once you learn how to draw attention back to your site, you know how to play the game and begin to generate more potential for profit. And, learning how to draw attention to yourself online is not as hard as it sounds. It is actually very similar to finding out how to draw attention to yourself from a romantic prospect in a crowded bar or party. You have to have some good body language, you have to understand how to flirt. You have to be confident, and you have to have something that others find attractive.
After you master those skills, you obviously can use them anywhere, not just at a party. Pretty soon, you begin to use your skills to seduce a potential person not just in a crowded room, but anywhere and with multiple types of personalities. You learn how to charm your way into the hearts of your audience, and that, in essence is the power you have to master to raise the interest level and drive traffic to your site. For that, you need to learn the rules of connecting online, just like you would take the time to learn the rules of dating to increase your chances of success with the opposite sex. 3
In the past, marketing was about hype and flashiness. If you use this technique now in a culture that has grown jaded from over-commercialization, you will find people turned off instead of turned on. Authenticity is crucial to portraying the proper image in today's online marketplace, particularly on social networking sites. If you lie about a profile or a product, you can be sure in today's interconnected social sites that your reputation will be trashed in no time flat, and this affects both traffic and sales. If you want a cycle of trust, you have to prove yourself trustworthy first.
Think of it this way, you wouldn't go out and try to impress a date with a fake job or pretending to be someone you're not. Why? Because this strategy is not only usually easy to see through, but it also has serious consequences if you do scam someone and later they find out. After that, nothing you say is trustworthy. Since trust is the engine for commerce on many social networking sites, you are better off being authentic these days rather than not. It may not be as impressive as pretending to be a millionaire, but it is far more believable and compelling. Learn how to write your story so that it engages a reader, by creating content that is authentic and magnetic and reflects exactly who you are.
When you are authentic, in your copy and your being, this will show up in the ratings you get from other people rating your content, your sites, and those reviewing your products. On the Internet, your ratings end up being your measure of authenticity and can drive traffic to your site as other people recommend different things there. So, when you think authenticity, correlate to your reputation and realize that what you are trying to do is not to schmooze as much as to build a stellar reputation that gets A+ ratings across the Internet. This will assuredly drive traffic back to your site. 4
Once you are coming from a point of integrity, don't be afraid to tell your own stories. People love to hear other people's stories and point of views! Learn how to write content that draws people into a new way to look at life that is positive and vibrant! If you can get someone to take just a few steps with you on your own life path, you already having walking all the way home with you.
This is where how you write is just important as what you write. That's because when you are telling your personal story in person, we use our spoken word. Online, we rely on our web copy to get that same connection.