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Adsense was a phenomenon when it first launched, you can get paid just for someone clicking on an ad on your page! It is the other side of PPC, you display the ad and people pay you every time someone clicks on the ad (and Google take their cut). It was an automated way of doing what some people have been doing for a while now, selling advertising space on their sites.
A good website is valuable for the amount of eyeballs it can get onto an offer, so if you have some decent traffic you can sell space to people who want to advertise on it. However this used to be a pain, you'd have to negotiate, collect the payment, code the advert into the site… a right pain!
Adsense takes care of all of that, you just put some code on your site once and Google provides targeted adverts that show up automatically on your site based on what content you have on the page. The payment per click used to be quite high, but over recent years that has dropped as the advertisers have become more savvy and understand that there was a lot of widespread abuse of the system which resulted in clicks but no sales for them.
So is it still a viable option? I know lots of people who would say it was, but the truth of the matter is that with the amount of effort they put into the sites they create for Adsense then they could probably make a lot more from affiliate marketing or having their own products! Use it to supplement your income not be your main focus.