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Chapter 8: Listening to an Opportunity Is Not Enough; You Have to Put It into Action
What you must do when an opportunity comes your way.
Listening to an Opportunity Is Not Enough; You Have to Put It into Action
When you work for someone it makes it more easy for you, typically they take all the risk, guide you, inform you what to do and how to do but when you choose to start your own business it's totally a new game. The main part to start your own business let it me your entrepreneur business or home based, you need to take action, action and action.
You should not only plan on what to do, when to do and how to do but also implement the plan you have made. As it's your business you only have to take action, no one else will do the initiative.
One of the most import reasons of people not getting success is lack of hard work, or commitments to themselves. You need to execute your plan instantly. Merely thinking about the opportunity at the drop of a hat and trying to implement it isn't going to take you anywhere.
If you work hard and execute your plans as per plan, you will surely get rewards which you expected and many times much more than expected.
There is a saying that action speaks louder than words. So put your plans into action and see how it gives you returns. You don't get anything just by speaking it out; you need to actually do that. It's not difficult to be a go getter or put your plans into action. Just be confident, be committed to yourself and you will see the results.
There is unlimited potential for hardworking people and for those who put their plans in action and not just listen to an opportunity.
Chapter 9: Inspiring People to Help You Reach Your Goals
It will be very difficult to plow on without the support of people whom you can trust. The best people are those whom you can inspire.
Inspiring People to Help You Reach Your Goals
Reaching your goal is not as difficult as many things. You can reach your goal if you follow some of the common techniques from real life. Let me show you one very simple example of "word of mouth" marketing technique. Let's say you have to buy a T.V what you do? Ask your friends what TV is the best? Get reviews online? Get expert advice? Right? Yes we do all this before buying or taking action. This is really very simple marketing technique of involving more and more people to help you promote your business. If they like the product or service they will surly promote it to others without any charge as they want to give the best to their friends and family.
Take an example of MLM it's totally based on "word of mouth" marketing. One person joins the network and he invites others to join and then other invite more people and so on. This way, the company reaches its target easily without much marketing and concentrating on their quality of the product.
You too can follow the same method, join more and more clubs, more and more events and spread your network. The more networks of people you have, more easily you can reach your goals. Indirectly you help them and they help you. It's a kind of a win-win situation. You make a friend that's it which is fun and it helps you to reach your goal.
Can anything be better than this?
So start joining clubs, groups, events, parties, tours and make friends and groups and reach your goals easily without any errors.
Chapter 10: Don?t Stop with Just One Opportunity
The most successful individuals in the world have been unstoppable.
Don't Stop with Just One Opportunity
I can claim and say that 99% of people don't get satisfied with what they have. Like a person who has a motorcycle will want a car, those who are have a car want a luxury car, those who are having luxury car wants to have a private jet and so on. This is the nature of humans and that's why we are so much successful as we always have dreams that keep the life going on.
So when we have so many dreams do you think it can be completed with just one successful opportunity or business? When we want everything why don't we try to grab more and more opportunities which give us everything we need in life?
The fact is most worlds' richest people have multiple stream of income from multiple businesses. They started with one business and now have multiple ventures to their names. We think that we invested xyz amount and we got good returns, so now everything is fine; but the fact is we always need more and for that we need to have more and more business opportunities.
Burger King started with a single restaurant now it has franchisees all over the world. This is the power of keeping looking for opportunities. If you stop at any point you are not going to fulfill the dreams of becoming rich and famous. Diversification is a very important aspect of getting at where you want to reach.