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So, here I was sitting by the riverbank in 2001, catching a minimal amount of carp. About half way through the day, this other angler comes along and sits opposite me, sets up his gear and within five minutes he's in. Twenty seven pound Carp. Half an hour later, before he's even finished setting up his other rods, he's in again, thirty two pound carp, and this is how the day went on, he pulled out one after the other. I could only imagine the amazing experiences he’d had. I wonder, are all his fishing expeditions like this?
(Note here again, we’re playing on something a little different. In the previous example we talked about the list owners not wanting the list itself, but the advantages it brings. In that case it was money. In this case with the catching of all these fish, it’s the adventures and experiences. A form of entertainment, which often is as powerful as the standard gaining something you want, avoiding a potential problem, and ‘removing things that you don’t want’ themes of sales letters. Continuing;)
After about three hours of me catching nothing, and him pulling these fish out one after the other, I go on over and start talking as you do. What followed was probably the most enlightening conversation about fishing I'd ever had, and it totally opened my mind. I headed back to my swim, set up my gear all over again, and started pulling these huge fish out of the lake, and to this day, no matter the venue, or the season, I'm catching more fish than anybody else on the lake. You should see their faces! This one single conversation was so powerful and changed the way I look at fishing forever. You can imagine that immense proud feeling after every fishing trip. So naturally, I told some friends about it. And here's what happened... (End example 2)
(Again, in that example, we’re playing on entertainment and gaining something again. Nobody really wants to catch more fish. They want the gains that come from catching more fish, in the above case, the immensely proud feeling.)
See how easy it is to write an enticing story that enforces the power of this product to provide a solution to a problem? Like I said earlier, this is just base for your work. You can see a clear start, middle, and end in both of these examples. Downright simple, all you're doing is talking about how you came up with it and what it's done for you in a big way, and how you don't know how you got by without it.
In addition to the above points, have you ever noticed how you enjoy hearing about other peoples lives? This is what keeps people gripped and reading. All you’re doing is telling them a story related to your product that they can relate to also. If you’re sending the right traffic to your sites, and they’re interested in what you’re talking about, they won’t be able to tear their eyes off your words until you’re done talking.
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- License: Master Resell Rights
- Category:Ebooks
- Tags:2009 Ebooks Master Resale Rights