“Do You Really Think That You Know About Making Money In Niche Marketing?”
“… Only If You Have Made Millions Of Dollars In Online Niche Markets Like Stephen Pierce, Then You Can STOP Reading This Letter Now. Otherwise, Pay Close Attention To This Over One Hour Private Exclusive Conversation I Had With Him To Discover The Amazing Profit-Making Strategies!”
Stephen Pierce has been proven to be one of the most strategic business thinkers in the United States -- Even the US Government has evaluated his business ideas and strategies!
Fax copy received by Stephen Pierce from the US Government during his presentation to secure a $350 million USD contract.
5 facts you should know:
FACT #1:
The largest most formidable and competitive companies in the world fight to the near death to
secure contracts with the Federal Government throughout very long and competitive processes where only the strong and most strategic survive.
FACT #2:
Less that 3% of companies (even some of the largest in the world) who try to do business with the Government, will ever step foot into a Government office via invitation to do business with the Federal Government.
FACT #3:
On July 20th 2006, Stephen Pierce and his team walked through the doors of the USDA (United States Dept of Agriculture) office under high security to meet with top level agency executives. (See proof at the end of this email")
FACT #4:
There were 14 companies, all giants and massively larger than Pierce and Innovation Marketers and of the 14 only 3 were invited to meet with the Government in person...Pierce and his team were 1 of the 3!