A blog is a fantastic tool. Think of it as a tool, a tool you can use to get leads to any type of business you may have. Blogs are tools that need to be in use regularly to keep them working for you. They do not do the work for you, but they do help you to accomplish some of the hardest aspects of your job: getting leads and getting sales from them.
No matter what you may be selling or promoting, a blog is a tool to enable you to get those leads. Since there are millions of potential customers available to you online, you likely want to attract as many of them as possible to your website, where you can promote your product or service and get sales.
Websites can be difficult to manage and they often leave the customer with an impersonal feel. Here are a few problems with websites, in general:
• Most websites are not changing The home page gives great information and the rest f the pages help to sell the item. This is usually a good thing, but can keep search engines at bay and limit the personality of the website.
• Websites make it difficult for you to communicate with your readers You can only communicate through email, rather than the easy and helpful communication of comments.
• Websites can only be bookmarked so many times One time on each page is not enough to help with most social ranking.
• Websites are expensive Yes, expensive to manage - especially if you plan to have many pages of content available to the consumer.
• For many, blogs are more enjoyable and even easier to manage than a standard website Even if you do not know any HTML, you can run your own blog.
For all of these reasons, it is often a good decision to incorporate the use of a blog to help you with lead generation. Any type of business can use a blog.
You can even start out with a free blog, one that you do not have to invest any money in whatsoever.
If you have never used a blog in the past, it may be best to start a free blog from one of the popular blogging resources available online. The two more popular options are Blogger.com and WordPress.com Both of these are very easy to use and they allow you to get started literally in minutes. Later, you can invest in paid blogging programs once you learn a bit about how to use them and how to personalize them for your business.
The benefits of blogging are many. Keep these things in mind when you set out to establish your blog.
• Blogging gives you constant new pages that search engines like Google love. This is a fantastic reason to incorporate a blog into your business because it is an easy way to get regular search engine ranking benefits that websites often keep limiting.
• While blogging is easy enough to do, keep in mind that it does take a regular commitment. If you do not have the ability or time to manage your blog, there is help available. Many professional bloggers ghost write blogs for individuals. You can hire someone to do this type of work rather inexpensively.
• Communicating through a blog is essential. It is a much less formal way of speaking to others, and it does require a lot of commitment on your part. Not only do you need to keep posts going, but you also have to keep the dialogue going too! This can be rather difficult to do in some respects. Getting to chat with consumers is not something many people like to do.
Now that you know a few of the important aspects of blogging, it is time to get it in place. Once you have registered your blog and you have established a web presence for it (depending on the method you will be blogging on, you may need to have hosting set up) it is time to start posting.
What will you talk about? To generate leads to your website, you will want to create blog posts that somehow, even indirectly, relate back to your website's topic and overall goals. For example, let us say you have a website selling dog products. Your blog should be dog (or at least pet) related.
When you do this, you display your skills in this way and you establish yourself as an expert in the field. Do you need to be an expert to get sales and traffic? In most cases, the answer to this is yes simply because people look for people they can count on to buy from. If you are not an expert, why would they want to buy from you?
Start planning a few posts!
With your blog in place, the next step in the process is simple: get traffic to the blog so that you can move the traffic to your website. If people get to your blog, they are already highly targeted leads. When they get to your website, they are often times ready to buy. This is, of course, only if you can get traffic to the blog. Here are some of the most important ways to increase traffic to your blog, and in exchange, get traffic to your website where you are selling or promoting items.