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My name is Terry Telford from TerryTelford.com and today we’re very lucky to have Jay Douglas with us. Jay’s been creating high quality internet video since about 2001. That’s four years before YouTube came onto the scene. So you can see where Jay’s experience level is.
Jay's a master at creating high performance sales videos. These are videos that help you sell your products. If Jay creates a video for you, you’re pretty much guaranteed your products are going to start flying off the shelf. So I guess without further adieu, I’d like to thank you very much for being with us here Jay.
Jay: Well, it’s a pleasure talking to you as usual. Terry: Thanks much. Maybe you can start off by telling us a bit about your background. Where did you come from before you got on-line, in the video scene, and how you got where you are today? This is the end of the example Jay: Well, just a little bit. Long story short, I’m a retired military officer, US Military.
I think my first website was actually made for the military in 1996 for my unit because we had an upcoming exercise and they needed their unit logos and everything on them. I had no idea what I was doing but I was the only one that could even spell website back then, so they said, go figure it out. It took me a couple of weeks to get through what html was and this that, etc. The site didn’t turn out too bad. I’m actually an attorney by trade, I don’t practice law anymore but between being an attorney and retired military officer, I traveled all over the world. Before I settled down, I said well let’s go ahead and do something serious on-line; start a business on-line.
Terry: Excellent. So how did you end up getting into the video side of things? Jay: Well, you mentioned high quality videos, I started making low quality videos about 1998, and there was a guy on the web, I don’t know if he’s still on it but his name was Scott Culvert, he used to make videos on-line. I started out with a program called Lotus ScreenCam, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of that, I don’t think it any longer exists, it was a one shot thing. You turned the program on and it said on and you started recording; if you made a mistake, there was no going back editing or anything. So it was a real challenge and then the files of course are humongous and then the other piece of it, there was nowhere on-line at that point.
You couldn’t put them on-line because they were so big. And I actually made a series, my first video, a series on Windows 98 and Microsoft Office. I moved from that and bought the first version of Camtasia Studio; in fact I bought every version since then, it’s a wonderful program. And I started making videos for people like Mike Filsaime, Russell Brunson, Monica Forte and Ryan Diaz, John Delevera, Jeff Alderson, Keith Baxter, all those guys.