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It's time to hop online and enter your niche keywords into Google.
Look over the results and take note of the sites which show up in the regular search listings, as well as the sponsored Adwords results down the right side of the page. Are there a lot of sponsored listings? How relevant are the sites that come up in the regular listings, and are they commercial?
It's often difficult for beginners to distinguish between healthy competition and market saturation. How much is too much?
A certain amount of competition is good. It indicates that the market is robust, people are buying and the niche is profitable.
There are no hard and fast rules here, but there is a useful rule of thumb. You need to weigh your keyword(s) search volume against the number of “hits” or indexed pages reported by Google.
So, for example, if your niche keywords receive an average 500 searches per month, while Google reports that it has indexed 550,000 web pages containing your keywords, you've got some saturation on your hands.
Likewise, what if you find a niche with very few competing web sites or sponsored listings? This might mean you've uncovered an overlooked, underserved niche market.
However, it could also indicate a 'dead market'. No one is advertising or creating commercial sites because people aren't buying.
Regardless of how things look when you do this phase of research, don't throw away your idea too soon. There's a simple way to eliminate all doubt once and for all, and you'll learn how to do this in Profit Check Method #3