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Most of the start-up costs of the phone answering service business have already been detailed in the previous text. If you do not have the money to start your business but feel certain it will be a success, try and raise money yourself to get the business off the ground.
The easiest way to obtain money fast is to talk to your friends and relatives about it. Getting them to invest in your idea will be an easier sale, perhaps, than talking to complete strangers about it. The downside is that if the business fails for any reason, that relationship may never be the same.
If family and friends are not potential investors, you must look outside this familiar circle to other candidates. There are two types of investors to seek: those who wish only to put money into the business hoping for a return, and those who wish to contribute both money and talent in exchange for an equitable share of the profits.
This latter individual would be considered an active partner while the former investor would be more of a silent partner. The active partner would share the duties of the business with you, put up some money and thus own a percentage of the business equal to their time, talent and investment. The silent partner may put up the entire amount needed but gives you a share of the profits since you are doing all the work of running the business.
Partners can own whatever share of the business all parties deem fair; there are no set guidelines here. There are individuals known as venture capitalists who are constantly on the watch for potential lucrative new businesses to invest money in, with an expectation of a large return. You can advertise in the paper as seeking venture capital for a phone answering service business and even list the amount of money you are seeking. Then, when contacted, the real negotiations will start.
You will be expected to provide a potential investor with information about your background and qualifications to run a phone answering service business. You should have a detailed marketing plan already worked out along with revenue and expense projections to show your potential investor(s) what they can expect for a return on their investment. The more prepared you are, the better likelihood of attracting the money you need to get started.
You could also try to put up the cash yourself and be a 100% owner. Review your personal asset and liability situation to see if enough money can be raised to initially fund your start-up costs. Insurance cash value, savings, sale of goods you could do without, credit card advances, even a second mortgage are all ways to personally raise money for your business venture. You must decide if this is the right way to go. Do you believe your business can be a success financially? If so, there is money out there for you to find so you can turn your dream into a reality.
The other option for you may be a small business loan. Do you have a good credit rating? How well do you know your local banker? Again, you must have an exceedingly high belief that your business will take off since loans have to be repaid. If you are unable to raise the money you need any other way, a small business loan may be your best bet to acquire the capital you need to get started.