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Choosing the right host for your business is VERY important. Yet many people try to save a few bucks on what is one of the most important foundations of their business.
I admit I’ve been guilty on that too until one day all my sites were gone because my host’s server broke down. This catastrophe was partly my fault, too, because I didn’t make backups.
So making sure your sites are up almost 100% of the time is a must. Free sites like geocities and homestead or any other free web host is therefore out of the question. Don’t go that road if you are serious about building your online business.
Keep in mind that when your site goes down because of your host, so will your income.
I have tried many web hosts and I’m now using Hostgator and LiveVoltage for my adsense sites. I highly recommend them and at this moment you can host an unlimited number of domain names and get 5,000 MB of space for just $9.97 per month at Hostgator.
Later when you start to make some money with adsense then it’s wise to open another hosting account with different web hosts. The reason for spreading your sites over different hosts is to protect your income. Just imagine if you host ALL your sites on one server and it goes down? Your income stops immediately as well.
But if you have several hosts and one goes down, then not all is lost. Another reason is the fact that when you have several hosts, not all your sites will have the same IP address.
You can then link from one of your sites to another one with a different IP address. Doing this gives that site an incoming link and is exactly what the search engines like.
Now to continue about Hostgator, not only do they provide cheap hosting for an unlimited number of domain names, they also include “Fantastico”. Fantastico let’s you install pre-installed scripts with just a few clicks of a button. This becomes handy because in the next step you will need to set up a blog on your site and if you are not sure how to do this then Fantastico will do it for you.
So whether you choose Hostgator or not, make sure the web host offers Fantastico and has Wordpress pre-installed. If you do use Hostgator then go to their site and click on “Web Hosting” in the top navigation bar. Then choose the “baby” plan and follow the signup instructions.