How To Set Up A Test Server Environment On Your Computer!
Learn how you can use free software to set up an exact replica of a web server on your own computer and never worry about software update problems again. You can now run all your scripts and websites locally and test everything before you move it to your server.
Having a test environment is becoming increasingly more important. With so many new updates to scripts and software it is important that you are sure that you aren't going to 'blow up' your site when you install an update. I know what it is like. It has happened to me on more than one occasion.
If you want to test your changes you can create a duplicate site on your server and perform your tests there. This means you have to be using your valuable bandwidth and server resources to do your testing. If there were some sort of major issue you could slow down your server and drive customers away.
The procedure is the same for any script or site. Just get the site the way you want it then make a few changes and upload it to your server. Simple as that!
Here is What You Will Learn In These Videos:
How to set up a server environment on your computer using free software
How to use the server software.
How to bring your sites on your local machine up on your browser
How to set up Wordpress on your local machine and place it on your server
How to export and import databases
...and so much more I could go on and on..