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Once again it is important to drive home the "don't be repetitive" rule, and keep your ad titles and description unique. Being the one profile does not matter here if you are going to only do one ad, but do it from heaps of locations.
What is "key" here, is that you make sure your ads in the different locations are fresh "non-repetative" titles and descriptions. In fact, even making your titles "similar" will probably alert the Craigslist spam filter. Example of "too close" title wording;
Sue's Cookbook for Gluten Free Breakfasts Gluten-Free Breakfasts Cookbook Gluten-Free Cooking for Breakfast
A better "fresh" title wording suggestion;
Sue's Cookbook for Gluten Free Breakfasts How to cook healthy GF breakfasts!
My book on Gluten Free cooking before lunch
Make your titles as "personal" and unprofessional as you like, as if you are just a person (with no SEO training) posting it. It's how you convert on the "inside" of your ad description that really matters providing you have good keywords in your title, you will get most relevant traffic.