Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Yesterday I promised to tell you how to grab your first time web site visitors by the neck, by capturing their email addresses and get them back to your website over and over again...
... and here's how...
You can use a pop-up window to give away free tips (or offer a sample) from your Ebook.
When you offer your visitors something for free, you can collect their name and email addresses, and later follow up on them, if they decide not to buy.
This way you'll build an opt'in list, and this list will be the MOST valuable tool in your marketing toolbox.
Pop-up windows may be found annoying by many surfers, but they really work.
I get around 20 new people a day signing up for my 4 Day Ebook Email course...
Well, there's the proof
Many people have become "blind" to pop-ups.
Most of us don't even bother to check what's inside a pop-up when we visit a web site.
The same thing happened to banner ads, remember?
Another problem with pop-ups is that the majority of them are now filtered, though there are some that cannot be blocked.
"Is there any other way?"