Discover the Secret to Selling $200k a Year in Low-Ticket Sales in 6 Hours a Week . . . 100% Guaranteed!
Hi, Sean Mize here . . . .
(For those who don't know me, I don't mean to brag or anything like that, but if you don't know me, you may be wondering, who is this guy? I'm the Sean Mize of: Ezinearticles, the author of: Anyone Can Coach, and this youtube channel: Youtube Channel, among other places online (just google me to find more)
Have you been trying to build a new business to the $100k to $200k level but are stuck?
Are you struggling to get started, struggling to gain the traction needed to scale to that level?
Have you ever wondered, what do others do who break through the glass ceiling their first year?
If so, you aren't alone . . . and the truth of the matter is this: if not knowing what to do to get to $100k - $200k is what is holding you back, reading this may change everything for you!
Here's the thing, it's not easy starting from scratch and "making it" big the first year.
I did it.
A few others have done it.
But most of the time, what they do or did is not duplicatable.
Now, I want to share something crazy with you:
Last year I made a big leap and decided I would "make it big" on a place that's real easy for newbies to start on.
In fact, I've even coached a few folks and some folks have followed in my steps and launched dozens of products on the Warrior Forum and generated big incomes last year, as well.
In my case, I decided to make last year my big year on the Warrior Forum.
And I did it, to the tune of over $200k.
And I did it without hyping a bunch of affiliates, I rarely ask anyone to promote for me, almost all my affiliate sales come because someone sees my sales and sees my sales page and sees that it could have value to their list.
And yet, I've built a strong buyers list that makes me about $10 per month per subscriber and allowed me to do over $200k last year on the Warrior Forum.
Now, what is this to you?
I'm going to make a bold statement here: I believe I can teach you to do what I have done.
I've had clients do it
I've had people copy what I did last year and make big money doing it (and I'll reveal some of them in a moment)
And many of them did it with 10% of what I want to share with you!
You see, I believe there is a clear blueprint for making it happen for you.
And I believe that you can literally dial in - on command - a $100k income from scratch on the Warrior Forum THIS YEAR!
How would it feel if I were to show you the entire process, from A-Z?
That's what I did on a brand new training I just recorded: I revealed to you the entire process I used, AND gave you a super-simply step-by-step play list for repeating my success so that YOU can do this year what I did last year.
Here's what you'll discover:
--> A Total Overview - a Candid Explanation of Why I Chose the Warrior Forum, why I stopped using their wso posts and self-host now, and what I did to engineer $200k in sales last year (and already up to $67k this year - 3 months in)
--> The key things that made it happen, and what I would have done differently
--> The EXACT Sales Page Formula I Use
--> The exact method I use to attract affiliates
--> The exact launch emails I use
--> The key to big cash-flow windfall paydays (can do this monthly)
--> The secret to volume
--> The secret to inspiration - where I get my ideas
--> The exact upsell formula I use
--> The exact pricing formula for the front end
--> The exact pricing formula for the backend/upsells/OTOs