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The human brain is hard wired to overthink and nothing feeds it better than anxious or negative thoughts. Anxious thoughts can be overwhelming, and so can negative thoughts. Both can also lead to overthinking which in turn result in anxiousness and poor decision-making. Together these two make up for a perfect formula for a racing mind.
What that means for a lot of people is that they often over-evaluate and exaggerate the real situations, events, possible scenarios and even goals but never actually do anything about them. Pending decisions are often a cause for worry with the imminent fear of making the wrong decision and having to live with it for the rest of their lives.
And while thinking is nice, not doing anything about your thoughts actually means not making any progress. In fact, being an over thinker can actually result in becoming someone who stands still in life, because deconstructing things won’t let you move forward. It may also be the one thing most responsible for stopping you from taking action.
This is the trap that a busy mind can easily get entangled in. A mind that tends to overthink can make it very difficult for people to balance thought and action.
They get trapped in their thoughts and find it very hard to act. If you think that you are an over thinker, you will also know that it is very easy for you to get caught in a loop where you recreate an event repeatedly or try to analyze an idea from every possible angle. After hours of thinking and getting no sleep, you often get nowhere and are unable to move the process along.
Plus, when you overthink, your judgement gets cloudy and your stress levels elevate.
What Do You Overthink About?
Not all overthinking is the same. This may sound strange so let’s look at it a bit more closely. One type of overthinking means obsessing over a single thing or event over and over again. It could be something in your present that you can’t seem to let go of such as why your head hurts so bad? Could it be a symptom of something more serious? Perhaps even something deadly? Is that why you can’t seem to sleep well at night? And so on.
Another way to overthink is to regret a decision or action you may have taken. This one takes you back to your past and keeps you rooted there. An example may be choosing a career choice that didn’t work out as planned. Instead of trying to change their circumstances, over thinkers tend to get stuck in the “what if” phase ruminating over the past. This neither helps change the past nor improve their current status.
Then there is the scenario where you keep deliberating about a possible future and how things may pan out. Thinking about how bad the economy is may lead you to ponder endlessly on how your investments are going to be worthless, how you may lose your job or how you may never be able to send your kids to college.
In any of these scenarios, overthinking the situation means that you can’t think about anything else and it starts to affect your life in a negative way.
The Problem With Overthinking
Since overthinking seems to mostly revolve around negative or problematic issues, these can take hold of your mind and exert their power over it. It is very typical for most people to obsess over previous mistakes, present day stresses and future troubles and not do anything to improve their situation.
Here are some common problems associated with thinking about every trivial thing in life:
Overthinking creates problems which are not there
Overthinking about every little problem only magnifies it manifold. Also, thinking about the same thing time and again makes it larger and scarier than it actually is. Ever spent time ruminating why your boss didn’t comment on your presentation in a recent meeting? Was it because your presentation was bad? Did it make you look incompetent in front of your colleagues? Are you going to be fired for making a sub-par presentation? You get the idea.
The same can also happen when you overanalyze a good thing. Even in scenarios where you keep thinking about something over and over again can diminish its importance and make it appear insignificant.
Things like choosing what to wear for a job interview or deciding where to go on vacation are not difficult decisions, but being an overthinker can make these seem like life or death decisions. Ironically, all that thinking won’t help you make a better choice.
Overthinking keeps you from living in the present
When your mind is constantly worrying, thinking and analyzing, you miss out on a real chunk of the present. Overthinking stops you from living in the moment and lets you dwell in the past or a possible future in your mind.
When you are not in the present, your brain shifts into something called the default mode which is when the decision making part of your brain does not work well. Research also points to the fact that when in default mode, the brain expresses lower levels of activity when you are involved in a task and higher levels when you are not engaged.
This means that it works harder when you overthink which is not a good thing, since allowing the brain to be in a state of constant anxiety can lead to other behaviors like anger and depression which are all toxic to mental health.