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Between this and other successful information publishing ventures I had going I knew I could do this full-time so I quit my job in 1999 and pursued my Internet businesses.
I currently own over 40 web sites, but my primary businesses are my newsletter for Internet entrepreneurs called, "Little Known Ways To Make Money Online" at InfoProductLab.com and PublicDomainReport.com where I write a weekly newsletter on how to profit from works in the public domain.
People ask me all the time, “How did you learn what it takes to succeed?”
Number one: I needed to be successful.
When I quit my job I just never gave myself an option to "fail". I failed a lot of times, but kept going, never quitting and never getting down on myself for failing.
For every 10 hair-brained ideas I get only 2 or 3 ever really become successful so I figured that if I really want to be successful I should *fail* more often so I can discover the winners faster.
The Internet makes failing easy.. and faster. That's part of my success-just going out and doing it. If it doesn't work I stop doing it… if an idea I have starts working I just do more of it.
Another very important aspect of being successful is not being afraid to sell something. I've learned that people (including myself) hate to sell.
They get really nervous selling themselves and their products.
ou gotta get over that if you're going to be successful in any business of your own- you basically have to be totally 'fearless' when it comes to marketing your products ... you have to believe 100% they will help people and be good for them, or why sell them at all?