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The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing
Internet marketing for one website can include many different tasks, from email marketing to website development. Even if you wanted to do everything yourself, there will come a time when you realize that it will be far easier and less expensive to hire out some of the work and to outsource it to others than to do it yourself. Handing over your baby to a total stranger, however, can come with some risks. It may free up your time to do more and get more done, but you have to start slowly and build up a relationship that you can trust before you hand over the keys to your kingdom.
Outsourcing works because of the difference in wages that you pay someone else versus the value of your time to do the same task. If you've figured out that you can make $60 to $120 an hour marketing online, and the task you are trying to complete on a daily basis, like answering customer emails, can be outsourced for $8/hr, you stand to profit immensely from that arrangement. The wages are so depressed in other countries that you can get virtual assistants to help with email and with other tasks for as little as $200 a month full-time. In general, however, you get what you pay for, and you can expect that if you want English proficiency to be a part of the requirements of the job, that the wage will increase.
It's not only a question of economics, however; it's also a question of your time and how it is best utilized. You really don't want to spend your time focusing on the nitty-gritty, boring, and repetitive aspect of your websites when those don't contribute to the bottom line. You want your time going towards creating income with the time that you have available.
One of the biggest risks to outsourcing is that the job doesn't get done to your satisfaction. It's one thing to save time, but it's a complete waste of money if you aren't getting the quality of work that will keep your reputation intact online. That's why when you start to think about outsourcing, you have to focus on reputable companies and job boards or get some idea of the quality of work of an online individual first before hiring them even part-time. You don't want to hand over sensitive areas of your website to people who are incompetent or who can use it for nefarious purposes. Keep tight control of what you allow others to access and have a back door key that can lock your operation up tight should the need arise.
Research People Online
In order to gauge the level of trustworthiness of your intended outsourcer, it's best to start the relationship slowly. There is bound to be piles of work available for just the right person, but flooding them with deadlines and work when you first start out can cause major havoc before you've even established if the relationship will work out or not. If this introductory period doesn't work out, then have someone in line to test out next. At some point, you will find someone compatible who can also do the job for you at the price you want. It just may take a bit of time to locate that person.
The first thing you want to do is to figure out what you want to outsource. You can outsource website design and maintenance. You can outsource social networking. You can outsource content creation. You may simply want someone to answer phone calls or emails. Whatever your needs, make sure you have a good idea what tasks need to be completed and how you will measure the time that is spent on each project. Also figure out how much you are willing to budget for the project. Once you know what you need, you can start to look for people who match those needs.
Depending on your needs, there will be different job boards where you can post your project online. If you are looking for virtual assistants, you will need to go to places that hire these people out. If you want a website designer, you might take a look at Freelancer.com. If you want a content writer, you might want to check out Upwork.com. On each site, you will be able to post a project and to review the online profiles of the professionals who are there offering their services. Once you think that you have found a match, add them to your list of potential people who you might use for outsourcing purposes.
Send out private project requests to the individuals you've targeted and see if they're interested in the small project that you have to offer. Let them know that it could lead to more work if the first project is done satisfactorily. Give them a two-week trial and outline the details of the project as accurately as possible. For a writer, provide writer guidelines. For a programmer, provide a specification document for your intended application. If they do well, you can start sending them more work and then see how they do for a few months. Hire them as independent contractors to avoid employee issues. Now, the only thing you have to worry about is keeping them busy.
Where To Get Outsourcing
There are many online sites that deal with outsourcing. People from all over the world can put up a profile and try to bid on jobs that are posted within these sites, so you aren't just limited to people in your own country. Rules differ between sites, as do the fees. You have to check each site out and decide whether you want to join and use their services or where you want to try to contact a freelancer by targeting people who don't have a profile, but show some writing skill online in other areas.
The three most popular sites, it seems, are Freelancer.com, Upwork.com and Fiverr.com They all offer different types of freelancers. If you want someone who does obscure programming, for instance, you can get him/her at Freelancer.com. Other sites will offer programmers too, but they may not be as highly specialized. If you want a site where you can hire a virtual assistant, you can find them by Googling “virtual assistants.” Many virtual assistants today can manage websites, do search engine optimization, and perform some business development tasks as well.
In general, it's free for most people who are looking for work to look for jobs. In some cases, even posting a job online is free too. However, there are sites that offer memberships at different levels that let you bid on different jobs. The sites take their fees off of each job as a percentage of the total cost of the job. Your bid may or may not include the fees to the site for their commission, and you need to be sure when you set a bid range that you take that into account. Even if you bid a specific price, it doesn't mean you'll get it. Freelancers will bid on how much it will take to complete your job, and then you can choose to award someone the job on the basis of his/her bid from all of the respondents. It's not always the best thing to hire the cheapest bidder. There are other factors involved that should be considered as well.
Sites will post feedback on freelancers to give you some indication on whether they will perform well or not. Be sure to check out what other people have to say about them before awarding a bid. You may find that someone who has a very low bid has awful ratings too. You want to check to see how long they've been on this board and whether they are a new profile or not. Freelancers with a longer and better track record will work better than those with questionable things in their ratings.
Website Outsourcing
As a serious Internet marketer, you most likely have more than one site, one social networking profile, and one project going on at any given time. Online, you can set up websites very quickly, but managing them can quickly become unwieldy. You don't want to spend too much of your time trying to get backlinks, writing and posting blog posts, optimizing content for SEO, or keeping track of online problems and outages. In addition, you might not want to take the time to learn HTML and a host of other Web languages, and someone else may already have taken the time to learn all of that. All you would have to do is to hire them to manage the sites for you.
One of the best ways to get a higher Page Rank (PR) on Google that places you higher on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) is to just get a bunch of non-reciprocal incoming links going to your site. You can do this by paying sites to post your links, adding comments to popular blogs and news areas, and listing yourself in directories. All that takes time, and it's a job that is best left to someone who is getting paid far less than you are. Outsource link building during the times when things are slow.
This is one area where it really pays to get help. If you don't know how to set up a blog, add a membership area, or just plain update an HTML page, you can't even get started with Internet marketing! While you're learning some of those skills, you're wasting valuable time! Outsource the website development to someone else. Just find a site that you like and then list the features that you want. Give them an idea of your color scheme or choose one from the templates that they offer you to view. Once the site is done, make sure everything is in your name, from the domain name to the administrative contacts. In fact, if you don't want to go through the development phase, just look up Internet marketing forums to find people who are offering websites for sale that are already in working order! It saves tons of time, and you can have them customized quite easily.
This is another topic that is best left to people who already know what they're doing. You can order sets of keywords from companies and outsource the creation of SEOoptimized web pages to the people who are developing your site. In other cases, you may want to hire ghostwriters to fulfill the same purpose.