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My Million Dollar Rolodex http://www.hunteridge.com/rolodex.htm A lot of you have been asking me for reading material for your own personal business library, here's some of the best of the best from a few of my inner circle of friends and colleagues. You'll want to check out each and every one of these – (the re is no fluff here)...
Highly Recommended Books and Courses for the "Do-It-Yourself" Business Owner and Entrepreneur I've picked only the best resources for you to browse through. I suggest you check out each one, get a feel for what they're all about, and pick a few to start with, then come back and pick a few more. As you'll find out for yourself, they're all excellent.
I've broken these treasures into the following topic areas: · Copywrit ing -- Writ ing Ads and Sales Letters That Sell · Internet Marketing -- Everything You Need To Get Started or To Jumpstart Your Current Internet Marketing · Business-Building -- Sales and Marketing Strategies To Increase Profits · Affiliate Programs -- Internet Referral Marketing Strategies Copywriting (Writing Ads and Sales Letters That Sell) Great Marketing Classics from the Masters of the 20th Century -- The true classics of writing effective advertising copy never go out of date. They are truly timeless. And when you’re talking about the classics you’re talking about materials from what I like to call the “Old Masters,” people like…Robert Collier -- Rosser Reeves -- Clyde Bedell -- John E. Kennedy -- E. Haldeman-Julius. The sales letters and advertising these gentlemen have written have generated billions of dollars worth of sales.That’s why today's true geniuses in Marketing utilize these classic books as their source of inspiration when writing the sales copy for their own marketing projects. Taken to heart and put into practice, the wisdom of these men can put more zip into anyone's sales piece – and help generate far greater results. Which is what it’s all about anyway. By the way, these books are very hard to find, this is the only source I know of. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/masters.htm now.
Instant Sales Letters -- Yanik Silver has really done it this t ime. He's put a master copywriter's "brain-in-a-box" that helps anyone create instant profit-making sales letters in about 2 1/2 minutes using "fill-in-the-blank" software. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/instsale.htm now Ad Magic -- Brian Keit h Voiles has written this great study course where you'll discover a new, simple, proven, step-by-step formula that you can use to quickly and easily create ads and sales letters that work for you. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/admagic.htm now Million Dollar Ads -- This is a huge package with marketing insight by 23 top-notch marketers, copywriters, and business successes -- lots and lots of material. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/million.htm now Great Headlines Instantly -- A terrific help to writing headlines! Robert Baduch shows you how to attract more interested and enthusiastic prospects and customers, and more cash profits from every ad, sales letter, web page, or any other marketing piece you ever use. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/headline.htm now Dan Kennedy Copywriting Seminar -- Only 115 people were permitted to attend Dan Kennedy's recent, closed door, 2-day Seminar where he revealed ALL of his most prized, most powerful and most profitable copywriting techniques. This high-powered Seminar was completely sold-out and there was a long waiting list of others who desperately wanted to attend but couldn't. And, unfortunately, Dan has decided he will not conduct a Seminar like this ever again. However, the Seminar WAS captured on tape and now I've convinced Dan to let me offer it to all our customers. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/dkcs.htm now Dan Kennedy Copywriting Clinic -- Dan shows you how to literally WRITE any size paycheck you like, as often as you like. When you master the art-and-science of writing powerful direct-response copy for sales letters, postcards, brochures, catalogs, and ads, you can literally write any size paycheck you wish. Being able to create "salesmanship in print" that works multiplies you 100, 1,000, 10,000 times over. It is one of the highest-paid activities that I know of. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/dkcc.htm now Classified Magic -- another one by Robert Baduch...Robert shows you how to sell anyt hing using classified ads. If you can come up with your headline, offer, and response trigger that works using little classifieds, you're over 90% of the way to bigger profits in your longer marketing pieces. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/classmag.htm now Killer Copywriting (Jealously Guarded Secrets of Writing Copy So Good...You Could Sell Sand In The Desert) -- I've known Jeff Paul for years, you may know him as the "guy who makes millions of dollars sitting in his underwear at his kitchen table" (he really does!). Jeff pulls no punches, and talks a little rough around the edges, but you're in for great insight into his system and style of marketing that works and works. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/killer.htm now Internet Marketing Website Hosting - if you're looking for a reliable, reasonable, and easy-to-use web hosting service, then try this one (it's the one I use for my websites), Successful Hosting. I've been very happy wit h them. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/host ing.htm now.
Mini Site Profits - get this book! Phil Wiley has put together how to build small, fast, low cost, direct response web sites that sell affiliate programs like crazy. Highly recommended. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/minisites.htm now.
EbookPaper -- Wes Blaylock's EbookPaper is a new software program that lets you simply and easily compile e-books to sell or give away for free. It also allows people who download your free ebook to brand the e-book with an unlimited amount of fields that you define. This is a huge breakthrough in e-book marketing! Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/ebpaper.htm now.
EcoverGenerator -- Simply the best software I've found to create attractive e-book covers, e-zines covers, e-software boxes, and soon e-CD covers and e-Video covers too. It's quick and easy. No other software required. Read more at www.hunteridge.com/ecover.htm now.
AutoResponders Plus -- STOP Paying Monthly Fees For Autoresponders! Why waste your profits on expensive monthly fees? Install AutoResponse Plus on your web site today. Mult iply your sales by capturing e-mail addresses, sending unlimited personalized follow-ups, and much more. Don't miss your $50.00 discount, professional installation, FREE lifetime upgrades, full support and an unconditional 100% no-risk guarantee. Now you can have your own Autoresponder system on YOUR website with unlimited addresses and followups for a low, one-time fee! Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/arplus.htm now.
Autoresponders -- Here's a low-cost solution. One-time purchase payment, no monthly fees, unlimited autoresponders and followups, all running from your website server -- does not need "Kron jobs" capability from your webhost company! Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/ar.htm now.
Autoresponders are the greatest sales tool on the Net. They never sleep, complain or call in sick --they just keep selling for you 24-7, 365 days a year by getting information to your prospects fast, and following up like clockwork to make the sale. If you don't have your own website, here's the best deal I've found. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/autoresp.htm now. 33 Days to Online Profits -- Yanik Silver takes your hand and walks you day-by-day through building a profitable internet-based business. Not only showing you what to do, but how to do it. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/33days.htm now Nothing But Net: Michael Campbell show you how he generated $750,000 in internet revenues with virtually no advertising costs -- full of real-life strategies, not powder-puff theory. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/nbnet.htm now Instant Internet Profits -- Another best by Yanik Silver. He takes you step-by-step through his process of making profits on the internet, from knowing nothing to having automatic money streams come in daily. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/instprof.htm now Site Sell -- Make Your Site Sell...Make Your Knowledge Sell...Make Your Price Sell...Make Your Words Sell...Make Your Net Auctions Sell...and more. Read more and prosper from Ken Evoy by clicking www.hunteridge.com/sitesell.htm now Business Owner's Toolchest -- Paul Galloway has put together 899 free and low-cost online resources! One of the most tech-saavy people on the Net, he's been the "man behind the scenes" that marketers have come to know and trust. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/bustools.htm now The Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet -- Let me introduce you to Corey Rudl. This guy is probably the greatest success story for building an internet business fro m scratch into an internet marketing money machine. I personally have come to respect him as he has many very successful online businesses. If you are considering starting a business on the Internet or already own one, you want to view his web site. Corey really knows what he is talking about. You will be very impressed. I cannot recommend it higher... this guy is a "real" example of someone that makes hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Internet... so listen to what he has to say carefully, he knows what he is talking about (one of the very few on the Internet!). Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/insider.htm now And, here's a great FREEBIE course from Ken Evoy if you want to know everything you need to know about selling information on the Net, it's called the InfoProduct Masters Course. It's an intensive five part course on creating, producing, and selling your very own info product...delivered to you by email. Get it now by sending a blank email to [email protected] now
Business-Building (Sales and Marketing Strategies To Increase Profits) Magnetic Marketing -- Another great course by Dan Kennedy. Dan shows you how to stop wasting money on advertising guesswork...stop wasting time on cold call prospecting grunt work, and start magnetically attracting a new flood of customers and dominate any target market of your choosing.
Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/magmktg.htm now 21 Ways To Double Your Sales -- Mitch Axelrod will show you how to: Make a 1 percent change that will put you in the top 10 percent in your industry...Be recognized as the expert in your field...Multiply your sales by working smarter, not harder...Gain a competitive advantage by providing value-added in advance...Double or triple your face-to-face appointments...Turn one-time buyers into life time customers...Make two sales to every new customer...Sharpen your communication skills...Master rapport, influence and persuasion...Have prospects call you...Raise your self-confidence, self-esteem and expectations...Overcome inertia and break through to new levels of performance...Use powerful questions to make your prospect want to buy...Tap into large numbers of highly qualified prospects...Have other professionals to endorse you to their clients...Increase your telephone "hit rate"...Generate 80 percent or more of new business from referrals...Make your work more enjoyable, satisfying and fulfilling...You can double your sales in the next twelve mo nths or less. -- Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/21ways.htm now Affiliate Programs (internet referral marketing strategies) The Affiliate Masters Course - The biggest profits you'll ever get are from the sales you make to your customers *after* they become customers -- in other words, back-end sales. It's 20 times easier to get back-end sales from your current and past customers than for you to go out and try to get new prospects to know you, like you and trust you. Look, here's a big tip -- Make money the EASY way, sell more products and services to your current and past customers. Here's a FREE eBook that will help you understand the "how" and "what" to do to make more money from your customer base (or mailing list). I highly recommend you read this today and put it into action now. "The Affiliate Masters Course" by my colleague Ken Evoy Affiliate (or Associate) programs are the quickest and easiest way for you to "joint venture" with other product and service providers by simply recommending their quality products and services to the people who know, like and trust you -- your customers. Quite frankly, I can't believe Ken gives this info away for free (it's over 200 pages of terrific information), but make sure you take advantage of it now while you can. Rather than go ing into details here, I've got a whole page at the website that tells all --claim your free copy now, before Ken changes his mind. Read more by clicking www.hunteridge.com/affmast.htm now The Complete, Insider's Guide to Associate & Affiliate Programs -- For Internet Merchants.
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