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Chapter 8: A Weight Loss Plan That Is Fun To Implement
A Personal Experience, But Apply This To Your Child’s Life!
Now, I am not sure about you, but many people find it so hard to diet and to lose weight. This is the way it was for my husband. The weight loss programs and diets that he had tried were, to him, just so boring. They were also very hard for him to implement, as they were asking him to give up foods that he knew that he would not be able to stay away from.
What We Need Is A Weight Loss Program That Is Actually Fun To Put Into Action!
My husband’s weight problems began when his parents decided to turn vegetarian. He was eleven years of age at the time and basically decided to give it a go as well. His mom cooked the meals, you see, so I guess he didn’t have much choice.
his was many years ago, and at that point there were not many different options of food for people who were vegetarians. He was not at all impressed with the food he was given and missed eating meat in a big way. He would normally be hungry after meals and would then start to eat snack type foods. He only gradually put on more weight, and people did not really comment for a couple of years.
A Vicious Circle
As soon as people did notice, it was like a vicious circle. They would taunt my husband at school. He would come home all depressed and would then “comfort eat,” to make himself feel better.
A few years ago he went about looking for ways to help himself to lose weight. He tried many diets but without success. I have to say it was not that anything was wrong with the actual diets he was trying; it was that any given particular diet did not suit him.
He is the type of person who needs to enjoy something to keep his interest in it. This is why he found school a struggle. Well, that is his excuse anyway, I gently tease him.
The Fun Way To Lose Weight
On a Saturday night a few years ago, my husband went out for a night out with a good friend of his (Dave). They were having a good chat during which he told Dave about his mission to lose weight. He explained about how, as yet, he had not found a suitable weight loss program.
Take Up A Sport, Something Competitive That You Can Get Your Teeth Into
Dave suggested that my husband should take up a sport, something competitive that he could get his teeth into. He thought about what Dave had said and agreed that this could be the way to go.
He asked Dave if he would like a game of tennis three or four times a week. Dave stated that this might be a bit much, as he played six-a-side football twice a week.
Dave did not want to let my husband down, however, and then asked if my husband would like to join his six-a-side team. “I will give it a go,” my husband replied.
My husband came home a bit giddy and also rather pleased with himself. He now had a weight loss plan that he was sure would work. There will be no quick fix; this amount of exercise, over a sustained period of time, would have a positive effect on his weight, his fitness, and his health.
With This Program, Be Able To Basically Eat What You Want, When You Want
It did take quite a while, as my husband had predicted, to reach a weight that he was happy with. This was not a problem however, as he was having fun on the way.
He continues to play not only tennis and football, but many sports. This is no longer to lose weight but because he enjoys it tremendously. And so will your teen!
Chapter 9: Emphasis On Being Thin For Teen Girls Makes Weight Loss A Major Issue
Worried About Your Daughter’s Eating Habits?
Overall, teenage girls are more likely to diet and be concerned about their weight than their male peers, regardless of age and whether the girls were actually overweight.
Start Children Off On The Correct Foot
Living a healthy life is one of the major keys to a joyful life, and living a healthy lifestyle must start in the early years. In many instances, good parenting will, many times, start children off on the correct foot. Often, however, it will call for more effort. If you have a teen girl who suffers from being overweight, you may need to do “above and beyond” to help them. Weight loss for teenage girls oftentimes is a complex hurdle to jump alone.
Teens Simply Cannot Succeed With Weight Loss On Their Own
They require compassionate parents who can maintain fit home environments – and who provide excellent role models.
When parents do well at losing weight, their kids are more prone to succeeding, as well.
If you are inclined toward dramatic weight fluctuations and widely-varying diets, your daughter will attempt to follow your lead.
As you no doubt agree, a growing young person will not benefit emotionally, physically, or nutritionally from this type of weight management.
These Years Can Be Highly Charged And Emotional The mixture of obesity as an emerging epidemic among young people, and the stress on being thin-to-emaciated for teenage girls makes weight loss a most important issue.