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To put it quite simply, personality is the sum total of your mental buildup and the way you behave. It is made up of the way you express yourself, the way you react to things, the way you perform your tasks and even the opinions that you have about things that happen around you. All these make up your personality.
Personality becomes a very important aspect of any individual. It is your personality that eventually tells people who you are. As humans, we are prone to create impressions in our mind about the people that we meet. Your personality is a very important factor in the kind of impression you generate for people around you. It is possible that even before you meet someone, they have heard about you and they have some kind of an idea what you are like. This happens because personality creates impressions… it actually stereotypes you.
You may feel this is wrong. After all, why should people think in advance about how you are going to behave? But that is the way we are. That is the way you are as well. Before meeting someone of the opposite gender, there is a likelihood that people will tell you about them. You then develop an impression about them. So, when you approach someone, you are almost never totally blank. You already have an idea of what kind of people they are.
That brings us to a very important aspect of our ultimate goal… how to make anyone fall in love with you within minutes.
And that aspect is… you have to work on your personality.
If you have a personality that is considered to be attractive, a personality that people are bound to appreciate, then you can rest easy. It is this kind of personality that will attract other people. They will want to hobnob with you. They will want to be seen with you. This is what creates the initial attraction.
It is your personality that brings people to you and keeps them drawn to you initially. After that, it depends on how you take it further. However, if you want the initial interest to be created, you have to make sure that you have a personality that can enamor people.
That will include not just your physique, but also the way you think, the way you dress and perhaps even the way you hold your fork and spoon when you are eating. Unknown to you, people are judging you whenever you are visible. One of the most important things in your agenda is to have a personality that people are willing to accept.