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Use these as an example for how people like to be talked to and treated. Customer service is so important; if you fail in that department I don't know if you'll make it very far.
It is not polite to run a WSO and then 'disappear' and go to a movie with your girlfriend or boyfriend! This is perhaps the biggest pet peeve of WSO frequenters. They think to themselves (rightfully so...), "Why on earth would so-and-so run a WSO and then not be around to answer my questions?" or to send them their download link? Sometimes people have questions and they'll post them on the WSO itself.
If you are not around to answer that question, people will actually wait to buy your product until you answer. Either because they have the same question themself or because they want to see if you are reputable and reliable. If you take two days to answer someone's question, you will most definitely lose business.
Don't get angry with your customers either or have an attitude. This will hurt your WSO. The CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!
I have abided by that law no matter how hard I've had to bite my toungue in the past and it has brought me nothing but great success.