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This one is probably the single toughest one to overcome. If your boss is a bad one, things probably will not improve. Unfortunately, someone has got to be in charge in any organization, and when your boss is incompetent or just unreasonable or biased, you are going to be in for a long, tough slog each day.
If you boss is merely incompetent, the best thing you can do is to provide as much help to him as you can. Not only will you make yourself invaluable to him, you will also gradually learn his job—thus positioning yourself to move up in this, or a different organization. The greateryour skill set, the greater your flexibility when it comes to finding a more challenging and fulfilling employment opportunity!
If, on the other hand, your boss is unreasonable and/or biased, you have several strategies available—none of them good ones. You can buckle down and take the abuse; do the job as best you can and hope that he notices your value; you can start looking for another job; you can go over his head and hope that his boss might help; or you can seek legal action.
Keep in mind that your boss's boss may well not care if he is abusive towards you. The higher ups in a company tend to be bottom line oriented, and if your boss's numbers are good, your unhappiness may just be the price of doing business to them. If you are going to fight, keep in mind that there is a very good chance that you are going to lose. Understand the risks before you make the attempt! Have you reached a point where keeping your sanity mandates that you take the risk?
Your mantra (if you choose to fight) is DOCUMENT DOCUMENT DOCUMENT. Write everything down. Keep a journal of what's going on, every time you have contact with your boss, note it. Keeping a record will also enable you to cover your backside if things do get out of hand. Protect yourself.