An Autoresponder Is An Essential Service For Internet Business. Cost Can Be An Issue - So See How You Can Get One For Free!
Lead Capture And Follow Up Can Be The Determining Factor Between Making Big Money And Making No Money On The Internet. Make Sure You Aren't Skipping This Import Element.
Read On To Find Out More.
Dear Reader:
If you have just started trying to make some extra money on the internet you came to this site at the right time. Or if you already have started an internet business listen up....
One mistake you can't afford to make in a business of any kind is to not find leads and follow up with them. This is important in any business, but even more important in internet business.
You see, it is a proven fact that most people don't purchase something on the first look at it, so it is important to get them to come back and look at it again and again. This will give you a much higher sales closing rate.
To do that in internet business you must have an autoresponder to do the follow up for you. Imagine trying to follow up with hundreds or thousands of people manually. That would be insane.
However by using an autoresponder to follow up and keep track of everyone makes this job a piece of cake. You really must have this service integrated into your business to be successful with internet marketing.
The problem I see over and over again is that people don't want to spend the money on monthly fees. I can see why this is a fact. Paid autoresponder services offer many advantages over stand alone scripts. For instance you don't have to worry about overloading your server.
However, with this plugin that is free you will stay inside the TOS of your hosting provider and ensure you get good delivery of your follow up and broadcast emails.
You get all the advantages of having an autoresponder without having to worry about the cost since the plugin is free and runs on Wordpress. You must have a domain and hosting account set up since this runs on Wordpress.
The free version of this plugin is fully functional and will allow you to have one mailing list (autoresponder series). However for a small one time fee you can host as many mailing lists as you want.