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How to Market Your Product, Make More Sales and Build a Bigger Buyers List
In the same way that starting a new diet doesn't mean you'll hit your target weight today, creating your first product doesn't mean you'll make your first million by dinner time.
What it is about is however is seeing success fast and building a database of people you can sell to in the future. It's about being able to repeat the process and make money in the future at the touch of a button by sending a single email.
And it's 100% about building momentum and getting things moving. Once you start it's gets easier and easier to keep moving.
Here we're going to talk about marketing your product to make more money and build a bigger database of buyers.
Recruiting Affiliates
Affiliates focus on one thing and one thing only - driving traffic.
Which means recruiting affiliates and keeping them happy is one of the easiest ways to build your buyers list fast. Get Listings on the Affiliate Networks
The easiest way to recruit affiliates (although not always the best) is to use marketplaces like Clickbank, JVZOO and - if your product will be sold on the Warrior Forum - use Warrior Plus.
Everyday hundreds of affiliates scour these marketplaces looking for something to sell, something that fits their market and stands a good chance of making them money.
Here's the thing. Affiliates are motivated by how much money they'll make and if your product is a good match for their list or website.
While you can't help if your product is or isn't a good match for their list you can definitely affect how much money they'll make. Let me explain.
Earnings Per Click
Lots of amateur affiliates focus on how much they'll earn per sale. They'll only promote something that makes them (say) $20 per sale. Big mistake because focusing on how much you can make per sale fails to factor in conversions.
Imagine this:
1. Promote $20 product that converts 1 in 100 visitors into buyers.
2. Promote $10 product that converts 3 in 100 visitors into buyers.
You have 100 people on your list and send them to offer 1. You make $20. That's $0.20 earnings per click.
Send them to offer 2 and you make $30. That's $0.30 earnings per click. The second offer will make affiliates more money even though the commission per sale is lower.
Remember: The best affiliates are motivated by EPC or earnings per click
The bottom line is this. If you can boost your earnings per click you can attract more affiliates. More affiliates means more sales which means a bigger buyers list and easier future.
How do you increase your conversions? Easy, you tweak and improve your sales letter. Remember earlier when we talked about creating a sales letter without proof and testimonials?
Once upon a time I had one sales letter with no proof or testimonials. I had a sales letter was converting around 8% of targeted traffic in to buyers. By adding a big, bright red headline above the buy now button and drawing greater attention to it the sales went from 8% to 10%.
Bizarrely enough adding testimonials made no difference in conversions.
My point is this, invest time in learning about copywriting and invest time in making your sales page better and better. This will increase the conversions and the earnings per click which attracts better affiliates.
Turn Buyers into Affiliates
Your biggest fans can become your best sales force and even without an affiliate program raving fans will send you traffic by recommending your product.
But don't forget you also have the chance to turn your buyer into affiliates by letting them know about your affiliate program within your product or in the emails you send to your buyers list.
A simple link that says: "Click Here to Discover How to Make 100% of Your Money Back' will invoke curiosity and have your buyers finding out about your affiliate program.
Add an Affiliate Link to the Bottom of Your Sales Page
Any experienced affiliates who stumble across your product and decide they'd like to sell it will go straight to the bottom of the sales letter to find an affiliate link.
Put on there. While there is an argument that it could cost you sales (the more distractions on a sales letter the worse they tend to perform) only an internet marketer is likely to understand what your affiliate program is all about.
Post on Internet Marketing Forums
There are internet marketers in every kind of niche imaginable. While they may not be interested in buying your product they may be interested in promoting it.
Add details of your affiliate program to your forum signature and/or profile and start contributing to the forum. The great thing is you'll be one of the few people on the forum who has real experience and can give an insight into how things really work (rather than theoretically work). That'll get you noticed!
Blog & Build a FREEBIE List
Writing short articles and using quality images around your topic on a blog will attract organic search engine traffic.
The key here is to turn that army of visitors looking for free information into buyers of your product. Your first step should revolve around enticing all your visitors and readers to join your list.
Write good quality content and use quality images and there is a good chance your content will get shared around the internet on social media sites. While Twitter and Facebook are the obvious choices, using a good quality images will get you shared on Pinterest.
The easiest ways to build your list is by placing your opt-in forms in prominent areas of your blog. Above the fold, at the end of blog posts, using entrance and exit splash pages.
It's all about maximizing the conversion of visitors into subscribers. Then you email your freebie list regularly.
Like the posts on your blog you should offer partial but incomplete information on your topic. The easiest way to do this is by telling them what to do but not how to do it.
If they need to connect the dots and need a helping hand then they should take the next step and invest in your paid product.