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If all goes well with the phone call, you are ready to move on to the next step, which is the coffee date. You need to place another call to your ex lover and ask them, in a nonchalant way, if they would like to meet you for coffee. Tell them that you are going to be in the neighborhood and it would be nice to see them again, just for coffee.
Make sure that you put a time limit on this date. Say something like you are going to be in the neighborhood on some business and thought you could kill an hour with him or her for coffee. The purpose of the coffee date is for your lover to see you again and rekindle his or her feelings for you.
There is an old saying “out of sight, out of mind.” This rings true with some love that has not yet had a chance to flourish. There are many reasons why relationships end. In most cases, they end because the romance has not yet had a chance to flourish. Either the relationship was consummated too early or just didn’t have time to plant good roots. In some cases, the other person got frightened of the closeness that was developing.
Many people think that once a relationship ends, it is over, finished forever. There are so many cases where people have gotten back together after a split. In many of those cases, they realized that they wanted to continue the relationship after they saw each other again after a few weeks or even months apart. The latest feelings of either anger or being frightened were surmounted by feelings that had surfaced when they first met.
So you want to give them a call and ask them to do coffee. Act like you are calling a friend to do coffee. You have to emphasize that you are going to be around, it would be nice to see them and that you only have time for coffee. Do not tell them what your business is. You can just say that it is “something for work.”
You should wait a decent interval after the after break up phone call to make the call to ask for the coffee date. You might even get a call before then. If you do, we will be discussing that behavior in the following chapter.
Do not sound desperate to see them and do not be disappointed if they cannot make it. Do not say “some other time,” either. This also reeks of desperation. You invited him or her to coffee - you did not propose marriage. It is up to them to offer “some other time.”
If they say yes, set a time and date and then get off the phone as soon as possible. You can tell them that you are looking forward to seeing them again, but make sure it doesn’t sound like you’ll be bringing a Priest for your coffee date. You are going to have to behave like you are going out with a friend.
If he or she declines, note whether they give you a reason. No matter what, do not act crushed or upset. Be very casual about it. Continue with a bit more small talk and then tell them that you have to go. You can try again in another month.