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Introducing, the results-oriented way to make more money in less time from your business...
“How To Get More Prospects, Customers, Sales and Profits For Your Business Using 7 Proven Marketing Secrets”
“In this special report, you’ll learn exactly how you can make more money in less time from your business by using seven very effective marketing strategies that have added extra profits to almost any business – no matter what the industry.”
“I’m going to show you a proven ‘step-by-step’ system that can easily increase the profitability of your business by 50% or more within the next 6-12 months, and with little or no more marketing costs than you’re spending now. You’ll learn how to create, design, master-mind, implement and manage these seven profit-producing concepts and strategies into your business. And no matter what industry you’re in, these strategies and concepts will get you more prospects, customers, sales and profits.” – Mark Hendricks
Dear Business Owner or Corporate Executive: If you’re looking to grow your business profits, then you’ll find this special report very valuable in helping you make more money, without working harder, and in less time than you’re spending now. In it, you’ll discover how to grow your business profits by: • attracting more leads and prospects to your business • converting more prospects to customers for your business, and • increasing the lifetime profit value of your current and new customers by increasing the average dollars per sale, and increasing the frequency that they purchase from you Plus, you’ll learn these seven important marketing secrets that most business owners never systematically program into their business for consistent results: 1. How to clearly state the exact ‘reasons why’ people should do business with you rather than any of your competitors 2. How to improve your current marketing approach for quick profits
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3. Three secrets to getting more profits out of your current customers 4. How to set up joint venture alliances with other business owners – a mutually beneficial way to easily harvest more profits by working together with others 5. How to use targeted direct marketing to get new customers who are eager and willing to do business with you 6. How to get more results from your advertising dollars – your advertising is costing you the same whether it brings in a little or a lot, here's how to get more business in the door with no more expense 7. How to drive your competition absolutely crazy by using FREE marketing concepts – don’t pay for advertising, when you can get it for FREE Okay, let’s get started… Hi, my name is Mark Hendricks. I’m a marketing expert and business success coach who gets you more prospects, customers, sales, and profits – and most importantly, the real benefit of all that… the lifestyle that a successful business can give you and yours! Now I know you’re thinking, “So why is this guy telling me all this, why should I believe anything he says, and why should I care?” – good questions, here’s why… You see, most business owners I come across don’t have the time or expertise in marketing to really leverage all the upside profit potential that lies hidden in their business. In plain talk, they’re already ‘wearing too many hats’ and just too busy working in their business rather than on their business, to make it as profitable as it could and should be. And that’s what this special report is all about. You’re going to learn seven marketing concepts, ideas, and strategies that can be implemented into your business that will literally bring you thousands, or tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of extra dollars for little or no risk, no effort, and no increased expense. All of these ideas will help you generate more profits from your business by leveraging assets or advertisements or customers or opportunities that you most likely already have in place, but have never had the time or knowledge to leverage to their full profit potential. You'll learn why it works, and prove it to yourself as well. Enough talk, let’s get going with the… “Three Ways To Grow Your Business” (actually, I will tell you five) First, let's talk about a deceptively simple concept that once you grasp its full potential, everything else in this special report will become crystal clear and very valuable to you. Unfortunately, it's at this very first concept that some business people dismiss this as ‘obvious’, and don't fully grasp this foundational truth of business building, therefore they
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completely miss out on how this simple concept will catapult your profits beyond what you are currently doing, and help turn your business into the profit-machine it can and will be. Okay, having said that... Let's say you want to increase your profits by 50% this year. Now let’s take a look at the numbers (let’s use $100,000 for easy math)... $100,000 + 50% growth = $150,000 Yes, I know that's a simple formula, and I know you're thinking...”Mark, I've been busting my brain for years trying to make my business have more profits – if it were that easy, I'd just wave a magic wand and do it.” Let me introduce you to the magical concept of the “Magic Wand of Marketing Leverage” in helping you build your business. First, let’s talk about “The Three Ways To Grow Your Business”: • attracting more prospects • converting more prospects to customers • increasing the lifetime value of your current and new customers by increasing the average dollars per sale, and increasing the frequency that they purchase from you *** Important – please read through these three ways to grow your business again *** Alright, let's continue... So, instead of hoping for ‘pie-in-the-sky’ dreams of increasing your business by 50%, we can break things down into manageable steps, and if we increase each of these three areas just a little, we create the magical effect of “Marketing Leverage”, like this... $100,000...
• plus 15% increase in attracting more prospects • plus 15% increase in converting more prospects to customers • plus 15% increase in sales from current and new customers Simply by increasing each of these three areas by only 15%, your profits grow exponentially to...
$152,087 !!
So you can appreciate how important it is to have a marketing program in place that leverages each of these three basic areas.
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Now here's a little secret that can work more magic for you... In each of these three areas you've seen work above, there are a number of strategies and techniques that can be used to leverage up each of these three basic areas even more, creating more marketing leverage to increase the profits of your company. So instead of only 15% leverage in each of these, it's not unreasonable to think we could leverage one (or more) of these three marketing levers up to 50% or more! Stop, and just imagine for a moment...what if you could: • attract 50% more prospects, or... • convert 50% more prospects to customers, or... • increase the lifetime value of your current and new customers by increasing the average dollars per sale by 50%, and/or increase the frequency that they purchase from you by 50% What would that do to the bottom line profits of your business?