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Ok this is not for everyone, I get it. If you are lazy or don't need money that badly, fine, don't read. I hate getting stick from people saying that it's stupid to work so hard for money. What a crock. $1000 in the hand is better then a slap on the ass from a boss anyday.
I did this once, (not the slapping). I sold a complete article directory with 125 unique articles in it for $1250. If you are a freelance writer, you know how hard it can be to get paid to write articles and $10 an article is not bad scratch at all.
Sure, it wasn't just article writing invovled, I had to create the article directory, but I guarantee you that everytime you create an article directory with a whole bag full of articles, you will find a buyer.
Sure, it's hard work, but sometimes you get in a bind or sometimes you just feel like having some extra cash to spend for the weekend.