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No team can persist under a sustained lack of progress. This is true with all kinds of teams, whether it is a corporate team chasing a deadline for an international assignment or it is a major league NBA team. If there are no results, no victories, the team won’t stick together. The reason for that is the lack of confidence among the members of the team. Their main intention when they formed the team was to unite with people who had complementary talents to what they have. But when the results don’t come, they think that this blend of talents is not working. The team will then dissolve. The members will go apart and either form a new team with new members or completely forget the thing that they were planning to achieve and focus on something else.
Now, if you have a team, you must firmly keep this point in mind. You have to wow your team constantly with results. But what if you don’t have results? Here, we don’t talk about major victories all the time. No one is so irrational that they expect you to get the President’s Medal of Honor for everything that they do as a team. However, you should not ignore the smaller achievements.
Even a single team member doing something that contributes to the team is an achievement. This member has brought the team forward in his or her own way. This is something that can be highlighted. There is no need for open felicitation for everything, but the fact should be brought into the next team meeting. The member in question should be given an acknowledgment of praise. That helps because the member gets motivated. In fact, the entire team gets motivated and they get that important shot in the arm that propels them to keep working.
When the big victories happen, there should be a serious effort in planning a celebration. A celebration isn’t a waste of money or time for people in a team – it is a way of acknowledging the fact that the team has worked together in achieving something. It is a collective pat on the back of the team.
Keep wowing your team with results. Big results aren’t going to come your way every Sunday, but don’t ignore the small things that can help keep the team inspired and motivated.