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Whether we are lawyers, surgeons, salesmen, housewives, symphonic or streetcar conductors, there is one kind of remembering that is necessary to all of us. It is right here that most of us commit our major sins. We all, no matter what our business or financial status is, must remind ourselves to do numerous things from day to day. We may forget to mail letters, to make train reservations, to bring home sun-tan lotion when our wives are leaving for the country. Frequently these oversights get us into consequences ridiculously out of proportion to their importance.
For some reason or other, when we forget, it always seems a most natural and human failing, but when other people forget, we harbor in our hearts the conviction that they did it out of sheer indifference or downright contrary cussedness.
Show me the household where the temperature doesn't shoot down to zero under this kind of barrage: "Did you send my suit to the cleaners? Did you call the landlord to fix the sink? Why haven't you paid the gas bill?"
You don't need a secretary to remind you of the little things you might forget. Even a secretary's memory is not infallible. You can, however, remember petty details independently and surely with the ten key words you already know. Make your own Mental Memorandum List.
You don't need any fixed time for filing your memoranda on your mental hooks, as you do when you make memoranda in your little notebook. You merely file them in order as you think of them. In the act of running for a streetcar, you may remember that as soon as you get to the office you must look over the report of yesterday's meeting. Very well, file that idea at once on alarm clock, key word number one.
You may be buying cigars when you recall that sometime during the day you must telephone Schmidt and Company about their bill. File this idea on pants, key word number two. And so on, filing each memorandum in order on its proper mental hook.