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If you have yeast infection more than 2 times a year than you are suffering from yeast recurrence and you need to take proper care of yourself from your diet to the clothes you wear and your environs to help minimize or eradicate the infection. Some medical practitioners also consider having a yeast infection more than once a year a recurrence. If you experience this or if you have suffered from yeast at least once, here are the measures you need to take to prevent future infections.
Avoid wearing panty liners as these can increase the risk of having a recurring vaginal yeast infection. They create the damp, moist environments that tend to support yeast overgrowth. As an alternative to these, you want to wear cotton underwear or just wear panties with cotton panel at the crotch. Also keep moisture away from your body so you don’t create a damp environment for yeasts.
Avoid wearing nylon pantyhose or synthetic leotards; at least not every day. When you must wear these, it is necessary you choose those with a cotton panel so they can absorb moisture away from your body. Additionally, change your wet workout gear or swimsuit as soon as you can. This will help keep damp environment in check around your crotch.
Avoid using douches, scented powders, scented tampons and feminine deodorant sprays. These products may contain chemicals and perfumes that can upset the normal bacteria balance in the vagina by either killing the good bacteria or encouraging rapid multiplication of Candida albicans. It is not advisable you douche when suffering from yeast infection as this may aggravate the irritation and can spread the yeast through the cervix and into the uterus. Also, it is necessary you avoid scented sanitary pads or those with chemicals.
General hygiene
Wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. This is so you don’t spread bacteria from the anus to the vagina.
Your diet
Control your sugar intake. High blood sugar levels encourage yeast overgrowth. If you are diabetic, this is a cause for alarm if you also suffer yeast infections; yeast infection and diabetes are almost like brothers hence your first step (if you are diabetic) should be to cut down on your sugar intake and find effective means of reducing your blood sugar levels by eating food that are free from sugar and sweeteners.
Eat plain yogurt. Eating yogurt that contains live cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus which is considered friendly bacteria may help to prevent yeast infections. However, a small study showed that women who take products that contain acidophilus had higher chances of having recurrent yeast infection. Hence if you rather start seeing symptoms after taking yogurts with acidophilus, then its better you stop and consult your doctor for proper diagnosis.
Women on antibiotics generally have high chances of getting yeast infection. If you suffered yeast infection in the past while placed on antibiotics, then its best to ask your doctor for a preventive antifungal therapy at the start and finish of your antibiotics medication periods.