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Chapter 15 --- The Importance of Naming and Packaging
Perhaps the most important part of your product being in the best position to succeed is naming and packaging. The name of the product along with the packaging is most likely what your target market is going to come into contact first so they must be enticing to them.
When you name you product, you are giving it an identifying mark that separates it from its competition. The name of the product is there for the consumer to be able to separate like products from each other and they will hopefully associate the name of your product with quality. If this is the case, when they return to the store the will look specifically for your product avoiding your competition.
When you are developing the name for the product, you need to take into account what the product does, the age range of the target market. The name should be kept as simple as possible so that it is easy for consumers to remember. Stay away from names that could be perceived as negative, the name should evoke something positive in the mind of consumers when they hear it or read it.
It is a good idea when it comes to naming your product to have some variations of what you think good names are for the product when you conduct the initial focus groups. This way you will have direct feedback from potential consumers and you will know if you are on the right direction or not. Another interesting way of generating names for your product is to include your employees, this is a great way of getting the whole organization involved and taking ownership of the product and you could give a prize or bonus to the employee who comes up with the name that is chosen.
Packaging your product goes hand in hand with your marketing strategy. When the package is being designed the colors of the package, the graphics, and the material used to create the package all has to be in concert with how you want to position your product.
You should think of the package as part of the product. Without having an interesting looking package your product might be entirely overlooked by consumers. As stated previously, the package is many time the first contact that you will have will consumers so it needs to be able to grab their attention. Most importantly, the packaging must appeal to your target market. So take into account the age range of your target market because the same type of graphics and packaging will not appeal to all age ranges.
Perhaps one of the most important parts of packaging is that has a direct impact on consumers attitudes towards your product. If you packaging is memorable, consumers will know your product without even seeing the name. That does not mean that the packaging should be something bizarre and outlandish but it should be something that is functional and adds value to your product. For example, consumers know a Nike brand of shoes just by the color of the shoebox and the swoosh logo; they do not have to see the word Nike to know what it is. They know that they are going to get a quality shoe just by the packaging.
Chapter 16 --- Putting the Plan into Action
Now that you have completed the marketing plan, it is time to put your plan into action. This is a time when everyone involved has to be working together to ensure the proper implementation of the plan because if you drop the ball now all of your company’s hard work will be for naught.
Making the Implementation of Your Plan a Success
First, your company has to make sure that there are enough assets allocated to ensure a through implementation of the marketing plan. Having representatives from all departments involved in the implementation of the marketing plan will help you if something is not going to plan because a member of that department will be available to correct it on the fly. In addition, having employees from all departments that were involved in forming the marketing plan will help them take ownership of the plan and they will give their best effort in doing a good job.
Second, make sure that all departments that are going to participate in the implementation of the marketing plan have enough time to prepare their contribution. On average, it is a good idea to give departments anywhere from two to four months to ensure that they are ready for the marketing push and that they have time to finish other business so it does not interfere with the implementation of the plan.
Finally, it is your job as head of the company to know what all of the departments are responsible for and how they fit into the overall plan. This is of the upmost importance because
if you do not know if something is not going to plan you will not know until its too late and by then it might be unable to be corrected resulting in the failure of the product to be successful.
Stay on Top of the Plan
Implementation of a marketing plan is an ongoing operation. It is not something that works without the vigilance of all involved. This being the case it will help your marketing plan be successful if you develop a timeline of when certain elements of the plan need to be completed. Make sure that the representative department has agreed upon the dates that you set so that the date cannot be easily changed. By having set dates, it will help keep the marketing plan fresh in employees’ minds and will show that they are on the road to completing the task.
Chapter 17 --- Evaluation
Once the marketing plan has been implemented, it is time see how the plan worked. A good evaluation of the marketing plan will help to provide insight on how to proceed with upcoming marketing plans.
General Evaluation
When you do the evaluation of your marketing plan there are certain areas that you will want to look at to see how successful they were in getting your message across to the consumer. When you do a general evaluation of your marketing plan, you will want to look to see if you reached the sales objectives, how well the message was communicated, and if you reached the profit goal.