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Tip Number 68: Video demonstrations and tutorials.
By extension, instructional and demonstrative videos can achieve the same if not a better effect. It has the useful information that people value, and gives them a better look into who you are. It’s all about showing people that you know what you are talking about and that you want to help them in whatever way you can. They’ll eat it up!
Tip Number 69: Google Buzz is a simplified social networking framework owned by Google
The idea is to get people to talk about stuff that interests them. Connect with people who share interests, and get in the conversation. Be interesting, not obnoxious. At opportune times, share your links, and get those opt-ins.
Tip Number 70: Google AdSense is an advertising service from Google
It works because it delivers the right ads based on the type of webpage being viewed. That means that your ads only appear on pages that are related to your topic, so you get a better click-through and conversion rate.
Tip Number 71: Buy someone else’s website
Yeah, it sounds like a corporate takeover, and it might as well be. This works because you can then change your newly-acquired website to suit your needs. Whether you build it up as a separate product or use it to link back to your own website is up to you.
The idea is that you are trying to get the traffic that the purchased site was getting. At the very least, you can include the list of contacts in the declaration of sale, so you can build your list directly.
Tip Number 72: Buy expired domain traffic
Similar to buying someone else’s website, but also distinct. Expired domains are basically webpage addresses that were used but now are no longer in use. Think of what happens to a brand when the company drops it or falls altogether. People will remember the brand, and might look for it even after the company is gone.
In the context of the Web, when a site goes permanently offline, the domain no longer directs users to the website. As such, they are lost, and that traffic is wasted. Now if you could redirect that traffic to your website, then that works for you!